I have dealt with several Bible Students over the years that basically idolize Russell. When this topic is brought to their attention, they always jump on the band wagon to support Russell and claim whatever he did with Rose Ball was innocent. They are like dealing with a bunch of mindnumbed robots. They still think the Great Pyramid is Gods witness to mankind and reveals God's Divine Plan.
The JWs will defend Russell even though they know little about what he taught. They do it out of a sense of obligation to the Society.
Even when you show them that Russell changed the measurements and the dates he set, they come up with some lame-ass excuse to crap away Russell's false prophecies. Russell gave the impression that he was God's mouthpiece and faithful slave.
WT 7/15/1906 pages 3811 and 3821
WT 4/15/1904 p. 3356 WT 6/1/1905 p.3570 WT 12/15/1916 p.6024
Now the WT does not acknowledge most of what Russell believed. The Bible Students see J.Rutherford as the evil slave. There is a division within them that binds them together, if that makes sense.
Anyway, good post!