JoinedTopics Started by Scorpion
Having some fun
by Scorpion injust picture this.. two jehovah's witnesses walking through the local mall or shopping center on saturday morning doing what most active jws do on saturday.
trying to get in their hours to report to big brother, or in this case, mother.. the two witnesses are doing street work.
one of the witnesses is a well known jw elder in the congregation.
Just Fake It!
by Scorpion injune 15,2000 watchtower on page 7 we find a nice picture of four people sitting in a park (with the traditional basket of fruit).
under the picture they state: "why not envision yourself already enjoying peaceful and rightous conditions in paradise?".
the fact is that the watchtower society has not been able to deliver on their promise of a new world order so, just pretend!.
by Scorpion in
dr.robert morey's review of greg stafford's "jehovah's witnesses defended (2 edition)"
by Scorpion inin memory of common sense.
in memoriam and reflection to the future.
recently, we mourned the passing of our old friend,commen sense.. commen sense,aka c.s., lived a long life but died from heart failure as we near the end or year 2000 and the twentieth century.. no one really knows how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape.. he selflessly devoted his life to service in schools, hospitals, homes, factories, and offices, helping folks get jobs done without fanfare and foolishness.. for decades,petty rules,silly laws and frivolous lawsuits held no power over c.s.
Hello Everyone
by Scorpion injust stopped by to say hi!.
the family is doing great and so are the turtles.
mr.t our 90 year old land tortoise is being shown at a church play tommorrow night.. all of the witnesses have nothing to do with my wife and kids even though none of my kids or wife were baptized as jws.
by Scorpion init has been an experience to say the least.
i accepted eagerly the teachings of the watchower bible and tract society over the last 7 years.
i have been a dedicated pioneer for four of those years.
JW preaching work to end in the 20th Century
by Scorpion inpage 12 of the january 1, 1989 wt magazine paragraph 8 ends with the statement that the apostle paul's missionary activity laid a foundation for a work that would be completed in our 20th century.".
i take this as subtle prophecy that 'the end' will come by the year 2000 a.d., or should have come by now.. i find it interesting that the bound volume reprint has the wording changed to read, " a work that would be completed in our day.".
does anyone know why the change?
My Bible Study
by Scorpion ini have two bible studies at present.
one of these is an xmormon.
he has been out of the lds for over a year now.
What should I do?
by Scorpion ini have pioneered for over four years.
i have three children and a wife who at times has severe back problems.
i have worked two jobs just to stay ahead of the bills and provide for my family.