How any American citizen professing even a modicum of patriotism can countenance -- much less endorse -- Trump's traitorous refusal to punish Russia's attempted sabotage of our democratic processes, with anyting less than outrage -- is beyond me. - """"""
Quoting system isnt' working, first part is quote, this is my answer :::::: Tell me more about all the documented and video evidenced of democratic organizations conspiring to to get illegals to vote and cheat the voting system and/or conspiring to keep bernie out, where is your outrage and calling for punishment of that???? BUT you think Russia making troll accounts on facebook is what turned the tide? :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Or how the dwindling members of the Greatest Generation feel about his Charlottesville rationaliziation of neo Nazism as they go to their graves. -
FIRST PART QUOTE, my answer here. So neo nazis AND just general people who wanted confederate monuments were peacefully assembling, and all video evidence shows it was antifa and violent leftists who started attacking them first, but it's all the neo's and everybody elses fault and pointing out who actually started attacking is rationalizing being neo nazis??