oneeyedjoe - It's more the 'the house' policy. Even if a gambler starts to win, if they keep them playing, it's that law that guarantees they will lose and the house will win.
JoinedPosts by Bad_Wolf
Realization of something very close to a supernatural force but scientific
by Bad_Wolf inafter finding patterns in lottery numbers and thinking about if random truly exists, i also flipped a coin for awhile.
i was counted how many times i would get heads and tails and if they would equal out in the end.
if heads slowly was getting ahead too much, i would suddenly get a bunch of tails in a row to almost equal it out.
Realization of something very close to a supernatural force but scientific
by Bad_Wolf inafter finding patterns in lottery numbers and thinking about if random truly exists, i also flipped a coin for awhile.
i was counted how many times i would get heads and tails and if they would equal out in the end.
if heads slowly was getting ahead too much, i would suddenly get a bunch of tails in a row to almost equal it out.
After finding patterns in lottery numbers and thinking about if random truly exists, I also flipped a coin for awhile. I was counted how many times I would get heads and tails and if they would equal out in the end. If heads slowly was getting ahead too much, I would suddenly get a bunch of tails in a row to almost equal it out. On lottery numbers, I would track and use several calculations to determine numbers that should pop up next, and many times they would. I started to wonder if there was a force that the longer a type of event or tracking was happening and monitored, that outcomes that are supposed to be random could be predicted or odds increased. If pulling 1 number of 70 in a lottery is 1/70, but certain ones are due to pop up, is it truly still a 1/70 chance or much higher chance?
But others beat me to it. What I am referring to is a combination of the "law of large numbers" and the "central limit theorem". Related to this, Sir Francis Galton said, "I know of scarcely anything so apt to impress the imagination as the wonderful form of cosmic order expressed by the "Law of Frequency of Error". The law would have been personified by the Greeks and deified, if they had known of it. It reigns with serenity and in complete self-effacement, amidst the wildest confusion. The huger the mob, and the greater the apparent anarchy, the more perfect is its sway. It is the supreme law of Unreason. Whenever a large sample of chaotic elements are taken in hand and marshalled in the order of their magnitude, an unsuspected and most beautiful form of regularity proves to have been latent all along."
It is probably hard to comprehend, and very hard to explain, but essentially the more in which something (an event) can be counted, such as lottery drawings, or life/world events, as soon as an accurate "odds of happening" out of all other variables are factored in, then able to determine when something is due and then it will happen. When you are able to test it yourself and see it happening, it's a mindfuck on reality. Almost like the monitoring photon experiment.
Explain why you are happy if you believe there is no afterlife vs when you joined JW's
by Bad_Wolf inone thing that has intrigued me are so many who have left, who are wholly convinced everything in existence is merely by chance now, also claim they wouldn't want to live forever, and perfectly fine if this is the only life.
now, i would understand that if you were raised into the religion.
i was raised into it.
I just recall even if scientifically humans develop a way to not die within our lifetime, I recall people saying they wouldn't want to live forever anyway.
I don't believe in the JW or that any religion has the answers. It's not completely out of my mind that the mysteries we do not understand could in turn equate to another life beyond this. But I am living life as if this is it and for the most part assuming that too.
Lucid dreams and virtual reality
by Bad_Wolf inlong ago when i learned about lucid dreams i was fascinated by them and sought to try to induce them.
over the years i've had quite a few.
i can't definitely force one to happen on any particular night.
Sometimes the people who I "summoned" would connect with me in real life, saying that they had been thinking about me. It's a mysterious universe.
That reminded me of some weird things that happen on occasion when I dream. These were general dreams, I did not become lucid in them, but along those lines...
Dream : A girl who I did not know and never met, but friends of friends added me on facebook. I had a dream that she was crazy about me, had a big crush, etc. A few days later meet her among a group of friends, and she is all over me.
Another: Have a dream about an ex getting back with me, hadn't spoken or anything in a year, then next day she is trying to add me on social media.
Another: Had a dream a girl I had known for years, but we were only ever platonic, were romantically involved. (I was still a jw at the time). See her a day or so later, and she is suddenly for the first time ever very flirtacious and inviting me to hang out with her.
Those types of dreams puzzle me, especially since I had nothing prior to those dreams to even hint at me of anything. It's not like i had an interaction and subconsciously was picking up signals first.
Liberal vs. Democrat in the U.S.A.
by OnTheWayOut init seems that many believe that a liberal in the usa must be a democrat, pretty much following the party core teachings and some even think it means approving the party history of, during the 19th century, supporting or tolerated slavery and opposing civil rights reforms after the civil war.
some even insist that a liberal loves anything and everything obama did..
It seems that many believe that a liberal in the USA must be a Democrat, pretty much following the party core teachings and some even think it means approving the party history of
Almost how many liberals and democrats claim that if somebody is a republican/conservative then they are nazis because nazi groups voted trump. Or that if voting Trump, then you think he is a great person and agree with EVERYTHING he has said and done. Or Republicans/voters are racist? Also during the elections and after, I can't tell you how many social media friends I saw posting "if you voted Trump delete me", etc.
I agree with your post, there can be many reasons someone votes one way, or just based on a few issues that were more important to them.And to the person who said it's dumb to belong to a politcal party if don't agree with everything about it. That's a good way to get nothing accomplished. If everybody in a political party wanted a change, then the party would make the change. More Republicans are starting to support legalization of pot. If all were opposed they would not, but if they see a big mindset change among them on that, then it changes.
Explain why you are happy if you believe there is no afterlife vs when you joined JW's
by Bad_Wolf inone thing that has intrigued me are so many who have left, who are wholly convinced everything in existence is merely by chance now, also claim they wouldn't want to live forever, and perfectly fine if this is the only life.
now, i would understand that if you were raised into the religion.
i was raised into it.
One thing that has intrigued me are so many who have left, who are wholly convinced everything in existence is merely by chance now, also claim they wouldn't want to live forever, and perfectly fine if this is the only life.
Now, I would understand that if you were raised into the religion. I was raised into it. My question is for those who chose to join the religion. If you joined, you would have believed that you can leave the religion and be eternally destroyed when armageddon came. The reality you are embracing now is the worst case scenario of when you were in it, eternal death. But if you joined it of your own accord and not raised in it, why did you want eternal life then and now say you would never want it?
Why can't Scarlett Johansson play a transgender character?!
by LoveUniHateExams inscarlett johansson was cast to play a transgender role in some film or another.. recently she pulled out.
i don't know whether she jumped or was pushed but trans activists, despite claiming to represent only 0.3% of the population, have quite a powerful voice.. do they want a trans actor to play the trans role, is that it?.
if scarlett johansson shouldn't play a trans role, does that mean a trans actor shouldn't play a cis role?.
For example, why is it so important for, say, George Clooney to play a paraplegic? And why is it more important than letting an actual paraplegic play the part?
Why does George Clooney worth around 500 million and get paid so much when they can find another actor who will do his roles for a tiny fraction of the cost?
Lucid dreams and virtual reality
by Bad_Wolf inlong ago when i learned about lucid dreams i was fascinated by them and sought to try to induce them.
over the years i've had quite a few.
i can't definitely force one to happen on any particular night.
Here are a few lucid dreams I have had. And unlike virtual reality where you are just put into a programmed world and are limited to what that world does and unable to 'feel' anything, in lucid dreams you can be the exact definition of an all powerful god, think anything you want into existence.
The absolute most vivid one I ever had, and one of the first, I somehow just awoke within the dream. I was standing on the road I grew up at in my childhood. I was in awe how vivid and real everything looked and how awake and alert I was yet still in this dream. I was thinking how I would tell my father whom I've discussed lucid dreaming with when I would be awake for real. It did not last very long. I quickly tried to think of something fun to do while it lasted, so I said aloud I want a hot girl to appear. You can guess the rest.Another....(I periodically will do reality checks, but I am bad at keeping up with that habit), I had a dream I was walking on a trail with gorgeous cascading waterfalls beside me. I was convinced it was real but I thought to myself that I should do a reality check to get back into that habit. I look at my watch, then look again and the numbers were completely changed. I was confused and did some more checks and was shocked I actually was dreaming. I decided to fly, like superman. At first I am flying slow along a shore, then I say that I'm in control so I want I should be flying super fast, suddenly I'm flying at supersonic speed. Then I notice the scenery is nothing special, and say I want to see amazing snow capped mountains. Suddenly I'm flying through the most beautiful mountains I had ever seen, and some having elaborate castles within them.
Another....I don't recall how I realized I was dreaming, but I was outdoors and it was night time. I said I want it to be daytime. Suddenly I see the sun rising (like in the truman show movie when they are looking for him), clouds moving as if somebody put a camera filming the sky for a day and has it playing on fast forward. Once the sun hits noon, time stops fast forwarding and is back to normal. Within 5 seconds it went from late at night to noon. I was also astonished how I did not imagine or think how to make it daytime, how I just say what I want to happen and it happens.This is an interesting one. When I become lucid, I can summon people, either specific people or a type of person. I don't control what they say, and my interactions with them feel very real. I had thought it would be interesting to try to summon god, not knowing what I would see, or how it would be like. I can't consciously think of the great detail I see in my lucid dreams when I ask for things to happen. So the last time I had a really lucid moment, I tried to summon god. Nothing happened. Anything else I've ever tried, something will always happen. But nothing appeared and there was just silence. Deep down is it impossible for my mind to comprehend that? Or since I am in a sense god in my dreams, could I not summon myself? I will try it again though.
Lucid dreams and virtual reality
by Bad_Wolf inlong ago when i learned about lucid dreams i was fascinated by them and sought to try to induce them.
over the years i've had quite a few.
i can't definitely force one to happen on any particular night.
Long ago when I learned about lucid dreams I was fascinated by them and sought to try to induce them. Over the years I've had quite a few. I can't definitely force one to happen on any particular night. If you have never had one, you actually wake up or become aware you are in a dream. The absolute best lucid dreams are where everything is so vivid, you are astounded you are in a dream and not actually awake and that you can control things.
I wonder and hope, that in my lifetime, something may be developed that allows us to have them at will and if fully awake, then it would be amazing.
Do You Think President Trump Is Doing a Good Job?
by minimus ini think he is.
if you don’t want to put reasons for your yes or no, it’s ok. .
your vote,please?
How any American citizen professing even a modicum of patriotism can countenance -- much less endorse -- Trump's traitorous refusal to punish Russia's attempted sabotage of our democratic processes, with anyting less than outrage -- is beyond me. - """"""
Quoting system isnt' working, first part is quote, this is my answer :::::: Tell me more about all the documented and video evidenced of democratic organizations conspiring to to get illegals to vote and cheat the voting system and/or conspiring to keep bernie out, where is your outrage and calling for punishment of that???? BUT you think Russia making troll accounts on facebook is what turned the tide? :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Or how the dwindling members of the Greatest Generation feel about his Charlottesville rationaliziation of neo Nazism as they go to their graves. -
FIRST PART QUOTE, my answer here. So neo nazis AND just general people who wanted confederate monuments were peacefully assembling, and all video evidence shows it was antifa and violent leftists who started attacking them first, but it's all the neo's and everybody elses fault and pointing out who actually started attacking is rationalizing being neo nazis??