A girl I knew, her stepfather molested and raped, all jws, she never turned him in or nothing ever happened. Another was molested and her molester is or was a MS. Another was molested by her cousin, all jws. I remember when a teen/young adult it seemed over 50% of ones I got close told me they had been molested or raped.
JoinedPosts by Bad_Wolf
Were you or someone you know sexually molested by a Jehovah's Witness ?
by flipper indue to the fact there are about 27,000 members of this religion that are known pedophiles, and the information about it is kept in a secret database file, i wonder how many lurking jw's as well as others are aware of the severity of this problem?
remember, it's 27,000 pedophiles that they know about.
what about the thousands that don't get caught?
Interesting new findings on evolution...
by Bad_Wolf ini link the article below.
in summary it claims that analyzing dna code from over 100,000 species found that 90%of all species including humans came about at the same time 100,000 to 200,000 years ago, and another "and yet—another unexpected finding from the study—species have very clear genetic boundaries, and there's nothing much in between.".
read more at: https://phys.org/news/2018-05-gene-survey-reveals-facets-evolution.html#jcphttps://phys.org/news/2018-05-gene-survey-reveals-facets-evolution.html.
I link the article below. In summary it claims that analyzing dna code from over 100,000 species found that 90%of all species including humans came about at the same time 100,000 to 200,000 years ago, and another "And yet—another unexpected finding from the study—species have very clear genetic boundaries, and there's nothing much in between."
Read more at: https://phys.org/news/2018-05-gene-survey-reveals-facets-evolution.html#jCphttps://phys.org/news/2018-05-gene-survey-reveals-facets-evolution.html
Here is Obama secretly telling Russia he after his re election he has more flexibility. Didn't think voters would like what he was going to do? And snopes verified it as true too. Had Trump been the one this video was about, there would be treason and front page news for a month straight on it.
I don't comprehend why some think that because that because the news media does not have "proof", therefore evidence must not exist.
Since many in the FBI, most media, etc, were heavily against Trump, it would have been leaked if there had been. He had a ton of opposition.
I also love how high tech Russia got and how they rigged the voting machines and stuff to make Trump win.
Actually no they didn't, if everything claimed is true, what they did was create many troll accounts and spread fake news (and any idiots who voted based on social media and fake news websites are morons who shouldn't vote anyway), JUST LIKE THE DEMOCRATS AND LEFT had been doing such as all those fake hate attacks to rally support for them, etc, and hacked into democrat email server to leak the illegal and unethical things they were doing. If they did no wrong, then the leaked emails would not have hurt them at all. So thank you Russia for helping counteract what the left was trying to do to get votes by deceit, illegal voters, etc. And I don't blame Russia for doing it either, since Killary was warmongering Russia. If somebody running for president in any country is warmongering and eager to start a war and another candidate wants peace, then I don't see that country as tampering with sacred voting process if they create troll accounts. Don't warmonger then maybe they wouldn't care.
OneGenTwoGroups, you are so right.
I am shocked how so many ExJWs have gone even farther right than as a Witness.
I became repulsed by the misogynistic, homophobic, anti-government, intolerant, leave it to beaver attitudes that were the norm in JW world. It was a big part of what woke me up. I just could not take it what is really prejudice and hate covered in the sugar coating of the "paradise".In truth it is you who are still in the JW world. Believing in fantasies and unrealistic utopias, but instead of just waiting for it to happen on it's own, when the left tries to implement changes and destroys countries by it's unrealistic ideals. "No borders! Everybody is welcome! We have unlimited money! Take more money from the wealthy and give to the poor, the wealth will still be motivated to continue what was successful and they won't leave this country! Don't discriminate against felons, criminal records shouldn't play a part in who you hire at your business! Let the entire world have asylum here, if we run out of money we'll find someone else to tax more! Statistics are misognistic, racist, phobic nazis, ignore statistics, ignore cultures, everybody is a good person and no need to protect yourself ever! Don't worry if other religions and countries kill people over homosexual relationships, bring them all here, they will integrate right away!"
Russian JW Branch fails............
by The Fall Guy in....................to con the authorities by transferring a property to portuguese ownership.
how sad!
That's why the magog talk was talking about congregations being condensed and people moving, the borg needs to sell more KH to recoup that money.
The Attack by Gog of Magog: 2018 Convention
by jwdoctrine inthe attack by gog of magog with commentary watch to the end.
talk from the 2018 convention .watch till the end.
Here is a summary of the video.
Bs about babylon and governments going to attack JW's last.
Drama video -
A hall was sold off to give the GB more money for their retirement. One person is correctly saying that's BS and will choose what they want. Asks a grandmother who is being seperated from her family what she will do? An elder in the back gives a glare like 'bitch best not be challenging my authority I made that list!', then smiles when she proclaims she will do exactly as she was told. Elder gets a boner for that obedience in somebody leaving their family because he was a dick on the list.
Even though previously in the 1970's people were encouraged to sell their homes, not have kids, and all the problems their lives had from following those directions, none of that is brought up, but in the future if equally nonsensical crap is told, they must obey without question!
Talk resumes = Blind obedience to the GB and elders means showing courage.
Long ago I really studied the scriptures to figure out what they really teach, not the GB version. I found that armageddon story, the great trib, all of that was based on cherry picking scriptures and not at all taught in the bible with things in context. Because many of the events they say will happen NOW, I saw were really matching the end of the 1,000 year reign. If you look up Ezekiel 39 and all of that, those things all matched with Revelation at the end of the 1,000 year reign. And the entire event is talking about literal Israel. And it talks about how literal israel had been in blindness up to that point.
So there is now this 'new light' because somebody noticed this in the higher ups but and with that change but ignoring everything else to still try to make the prophecy adhere to them themselves. Watch it continue to go back and forth as they notice other scriptures keep on contradicting their new light. ))))
The Attack by Gog of Magog: 2018 Convention
by jwdoctrine inthe attack by gog of magog with commentary watch to the end.
talk from the 2018 convention .watch till the end.
And throughout the bible it says judgement starts with house of God, 1 pet 4:17-19, etc. They don't even understand the bible they use.
The Attack by Gog of Magog: 2018 Convention
by jwdoctrine inthe attack by gog of magog with commentary watch to the end.
talk from the 2018 convention .watch till the end.
Nobody did any power notes on it? Don't have time.