WT must be making a LOT of money now, with those automatic donations and not having to print anything anymore. Soon the entire WT organization will be the GB in their mansions and a team of 20 people in a cramped 1,000SF office in their cubicles writing digital WTs and books, while they rake in millions per month all over the world but give nothing back.
JoinedPosts by Bad_Wolf
Here is what silly looks like
by Sour Grapes infor shits and grins, i looked at an online sunday meeting a few days ago on youtube.
i was in disbelieve on just how silly everything looks with the watchtower reader reading from his little iphone and the watchtower conductor holding up his iphone to ask the questions.
then the conductor asked the reader to read a bible verse and of course, he reads from his little phone.
Here is what silly looks like
by Sour Grapes infor shits and grins, i looked at an online sunday meeting a few days ago on youtube.
i was in disbelieve on just how silly everything looks with the watchtower reader reading from his little iphone and the watchtower conductor holding up his iphone to ask the questions.
then the conductor asked the reader to read a bible verse and of course, he reads from his little phone.
Oh for sure..... I remember when, in the early 90's, when the WT Library first came out, we would manually type in all the scriptures for the WT lesson into the search bar. Then you could move all the scriptures over to a Word document, format them with paragraph numbers, print it out and have a quick reference for the WT study on Sunday. Then, my wife and I got hauled into the back room, and told how "inappropriate" it was to do that, it wasn't showing "respect" for the bible, and just how would it look to new ones??!! Then we had to have parts on the Service Meeting about how wrong it was to use anything but the bible itself. One time, a brother took a laptop up on the platform, and I thought that heads were going to explode! Audible "gasps" and all!
I remember that stuff happening! Had a family member who did the same and also counselled on that. And now they tell me they don't have to look up scriptures at the meeting because it's all shown on a powerpoint or something now??
I remember trying to also witness on the internet and how that was bad, then suddenly jw.org and the internet is the greatest thing!
Just saw the film, "Apostasy"
by Bad_Wolf init was a very good film but not fully what i was expecting.
a jw could even watch it, i don't think the title fit the movie.
there was absolutely nothing about apostasy, nor do i recall the word even being mentioned.
It was a very good film but not fully what I was expecting. A JW could even watch it, I don't think the title fit the movie. There was absolutely nothing about apostasy, nor do I recall the word even being mentioned.
The bad: I think the title might keep JW's from watching it which is a shame since nothing in the film is directly about what JW's consider apostasy. It could almost be a film that the WT would approve to watch lol. I was thinking the film was going to be about somebody who accepted a blood transfusion, or who was disfellowshipped for apostasy and showing them come to a realization that what they were taught and told as not being the truth, questioning or not believing in the governing body, etc. Somebody who felt guilty of how the organization was running or lost faith in the governing body, not kicked out for sin, etc, those who meet the WT definition of apostates. Instead it showed how somebody died for the no blood stance and another disfellowshipped for fornication. The reason for fornication was not explored, whether she was a true believer but got weak or she no longer believed it was the truth and didn't care. The film then showed the struggles and shunning required for that and the vagueness and coldness by elders for those who try to return or them instructing family to shun them. The disfellowshipped girl feels the elders and everything is becoming unreasonable. It does not go beyond that. She never researched, finds anything, or in the bible argues JW teachings are contrary, etc. So that's why I don't think the title was good.
I also think the death for not taking blood scene might be confusing to non jws because early in the movie they show the girl turning in her blood card and having been cautioned she could die from her condition.Then far later it shows her fainting and then a funeral. If an outsider forgot or didn't pay attention to her having a blood card to not take it, they may think she merely died. I think it could have been stronger and helping explain more by showing her in the hospital and a doctor is saying that she will live if she gets a blood transfusion and she either is conscious enough to refuse blood or her mother refuses it for her and either her or her family refusing it. This movie will probably more help bible studies and non jw's than existing jw's since it showed the life of a typical disfellowshipping in jw households but nothing to really challenge the beliefs. But since JW's try to teach that they don't breakup families and no matter what normal family interactions continue if one is excommunicated, this shows bible studies how that is a blatant lie.
The good:
It did a great job of showing what JW life is like. It was shot in an actual kingdomhall! Most of the actors really did well acting like JW's, you would think they all had been ex jw's to pull it off. It exposes the lie that JW's do not break up families as claimed on jw.org faq on shunning family members. -
Anyone else get a message from Hanged Man?
by pale.emperor ini dont know why i'd want to argue over something like this.
i've been aware of this theory for years.
as interesting as it is - it's still bullshit.. for future reference, i believe the bible to be a collection of fantasy, myth, real locations and crazy ramblings of psychedelic bloke stuck on patmos.. my reply:.
But then we can find patterns in anything if we look for it.
I could probably find zodiac parallels in Lord Of The Rings but it still doesn't make it anymore true.Since you brought it up, LOTR is inspired by the bible. And there were 19 rings, 7 for men (the 7 headed wild beast in revelation), then 9 for elves + 3 for dwarves = 12 (the 12 tribes of israel) + 7 = 19
It has similar things with secrets of enoch. Earth is 'middle earth', etc. The elves are actually leaving to go to Eden. Sauron was Satan, he was originally a watcher of Earth who then wanted to become ruler.
Anyone else get a message from Hanged Man?
by pale.emperor ini dont know why i'd want to argue over something like this.
i've been aware of this theory for years.
as interesting as it is - it's still bullshit.. for future reference, i believe the bible to be a collection of fantasy, myth, real locations and crazy ramblings of psychedelic bloke stuck on patmos.. my reply:.
Zodiac has 12 signs.
12 tribes of Israel
Altar of 12 stone pillars representing 12 tribes israel.
Joseph and his brothers are 12.Each leader gave an ox as a gift (Ox is also the face of a cherub, cross referencing the 4 faces of cherubs in Revelation in Ezekiel, 3 are identical, then one says ox and one says cherub, revealing face of the cherub)
Jesus had 12 disciples and gave them all a different name (each one is symbolic then of something)In revelation the holy city has 12 gates, tree of life has 12 crops of fruit, one per month.
Babylon the great has 12 stars on her crown.
And yes the 'star' that the wisemen were following at Jesus birth. That I suspected to be related to astrology, the 'signs' they spoke of.
And I think some of the excluded books of the bible, such as secrets of enoch, and others found at dead sea scrolls adds more to it. I think it was the secrets of enoch detailing the sun/moon/and stars and their orbits, etc.
Interesting new findings on evolution...
by Bad_Wolf ini link the article below.
in summary it claims that analyzing dna code from over 100,000 species found that 90%of all species including humans came about at the same time 100,000 to 200,000 years ago, and another "and yet—another unexpected finding from the study—species have very clear genetic boundaries, and there's nothing much in between.".
read more at: https://phys.org/news/2018-05-gene-survey-reveals-facets-evolution.html#jcphttps://phys.org/news/2018-05-gene-survey-reveals-facets-evolution.html.
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Has Politics Hurt Your Friendships?
by minimus inif you want to believe that jehovah’s witnesses have the truth, that’s your right.
if you want to believe in global warming being the most horrific thing we have to face,that’s your right.
have you been adversely affected by political stands and beliefs?
Yes. But only recently for some strange reason.
It would be easy to blame the Trump presidency, but that's not fair either.
I honestly don't know what has changed.Social media. Prior to social media, politics was discussed one to one. That combined with viral news and 'fake news' and lies being spread, then people start to believe it all about those with differing views.
Interesting new findings on evolution...
by Bad_Wolf ini link the article below.
in summary it claims that analyzing dna code from over 100,000 species found that 90%of all species including humans came about at the same time 100,000 to 200,000 years ago, and another "and yet—another unexpected finding from the study—species have very clear genetic boundaries, and there's nothing much in between.".
read more at: https://phys.org/news/2018-05-gene-survey-reveals-facets-evolution.html#jcphttps://phys.org/news/2018-05-gene-survey-reveals-facets-evolution.html.
What happened 100 to 200,000 years ago? It says the last mass extinction event was 65 million years ago. So something happened 100,000 to 200,000 years ago that we don't know about?
Also I wonder if the "species have very clear genetic boundaries, and there's nothing much in between" is a finding that still supports as you said species being the tips of branches or not.Eager to see what followup and more in depth information comes from this.
Apostasy Reviews on Rotten Tomatoes ... Spot the JW LOL!
by Exelder inon rotten tomatoes, apostasy has 100% success from critics (very rarely that critics are unanimous in their approval of a film) and 97% from the audience.
i have loved reading the reviews as they are almost all ex jw's but there is one glaring review that is almost certainly from one active jw who is pleading that the film be banned, even though they haven't actually seen it (typical) and it made me laugh:.
Where can you see the film? Any streaming like netflix, youtube, etc?
Were you or someone you know sexually molested by a Jehovah's Witness ?
by flipper indue to the fact there are about 27,000 members of this religion that are known pedophiles, and the information about it is kept in a secret database file, i wonder how many lurking jw's as well as others are aware of the severity of this problem?
remember, it's 27,000 pedophiles that they know about.
what about the thousands that don't get caught?
A girl I knew, her stepfather molested and raped, all jws, she never turned him in or nothing ever happened. Another was molested and her molester is or was a MS. Another was molested by her cousin, all jws. I remember when a teen/young adult it seemed over 50% of ones I got close told me they had been molested or raped.