JoinedTopics Started by scott73
When is sex acceptable
by stephenw20 incan anyone comment on this.
it appears that in our universe we have differing rules pertaining to sex being acceptable or not.. when you married , you are suppose to only have sex with your spouse.. if you are not married or have never been in a committed realtionship, it seems at a certain stage of ones life, it is either understandable or acceptable to just have or maintain a relationship that has nothing to do with anything but sex, or the closeness of another human being.. perhaps there were failed relationships that someone does not want to indulge in again , but still want to feel close to another person for a limited amount of time.. i am finding this to be acceptable not just among males but females as well in the 30-40 age range.
we humans are a strange breed.. comments are appreciated.. ps i am quite familiar with the biblical texts... i would rather not go there on this thread/
Can't get Dissfellowshiped
by NaughyBoy inno matter what i do i just can't seem to get disfellowshiped.
i havn't been to a meeting since 1994 and have been caught many times smoking, drinking, doing drugs (silly i know) , fornicating (lesbian threesome with 2 jw girls and my lucky self), swearing and sharing my outspoken apostacy with any jw that dares listen.
it's not like the elders are slack.