Par 5: "--Noah could not make the flood come any sooner,--" but wt used to teach we could "hasten the day" by doing enhanced full time preaching.
Par7: "--we know Jehovah has promised to destroy--" -- we are convinced -- not one day longer--" -- Noah a preacher, faithfully proclaimed the warning message--" no word of that in the actual account, because just to keep the copper tools sharp would have been a full time job. but we know, we are convinced, wt said so.
Par. 9: "--preaching work --will strengthen our hope--"--fortifies our positive view of the future--" self hypnosis, indoctrination.
Par.11: " David --could not escape the consequences of his mistake (not sin) --" comment: -- but he did, He was not stoned, but if he was a man, he could applied the law to himself and fallen on his sword, like Saul his predecessor. Coward.
Par. 12: God's support? it is invisible support; if it fails to come, it is more testing.
Par.13: David "-- instead of being paralyzed with guilt--" he carried right on, like an elder after hidden df sin, if blessed with "success", will escape jc action.
David had his record "--firmly sealed in Jehovah's memory--" if it is as the rest of God's "scrolls", the bible, it will be there, never to emerge, firmly sealed. failed. (new wt wording)
Par.17: The needy widow contributing all: "-- she could hardly do anything about the corrupt practises--" so, implied: never mind also the corrupt practises of the wt machinery, contribute anyway, everything, --the government will make up the deficit. Satan's agents at work, at their best.
Believe in impossible myths, the flood, Do service, it makes you believe them more, Contribute to us, even if we are corrupt. trust in government help.