Its great to hear from all of you who are being..well..nice! Thanks! I'm sorry if I don't get to everyone's comments, there have been so many! But I'll do my best.
To last 4 of you, thanks for the kind welcome.
JBean: I'm not here as a result of any mistreatment or resentment I have toward the wts. I have been reading here for a while out of curiosity I suppose, and decided to speak up finally because a lot of things that are said here about the wts and congregations are outright lies, some that make me laugh they are so preposterous. So I would like to speak up on some things that are talked about, and give people an honest opinion from a member of the organization.
And for me, I feel that in any religion there are going to be people that are hypocritical, and self-righteous, but the bible even said that the congregation would be infiltrated by those kinds of people. And I guess that I can stay active and happy knowing that I'm not one of those people, I avoid those kind of people, and so do my friends and family. And I hope that maybe someday you are able to find a congregation and friends that treat you the way you should be treated.
California sunshine, I'll look that up when I get a chance later. But without reading I would say that any family members that aren't witnesses should be treated like family. That is how I treat them. I have a large family that I get to see quite often (aunts, uncles, cousins) and none of them have ever been witnesses (mostly catholic). And we are able to have some nice "religious" discussions.