lol You're advice was great too Bgurl. :)
i am an active jw and was raised as one.
i have been watching the site for a while and thought it could benefit from the opinions of someone who is happily a member of the jw's.
i will not get into any argumets that lead to nothing except name calling, and will not talk with anyone who is just plain mean (plenty of them in here).
lol You're advice was great too Bgurl. :)
i am an active jw and was raised as one.
i have been watching the site for a while and thought it could benefit from the opinions of someone who is happily a member of the jw's.
i will not get into any argumets that lead to nothing except name calling, and will not talk with anyone who is just plain mean (plenty of them in here).
Calm down battman, I was just using a figure of speech.
i am an active jw and was raised as one.
i have been watching the site for a while and thought it could benefit from the opinions of someone who is happily a member of the jw's.
i will not get into any argumets that lead to nothing except name calling, and will not talk with anyone who is just plain mean (plenty of them in here).
Thanks Nelly! That will save me a lot of trouble! Mrs. Scumgrief is not to computer literate! :) Maybe she'll come on some time.
Name: You're reaching man. Everybody knows that Jesus and his followers entire life revolved around spreading the kingdom message from city to city.
Luke 4:18-"Jehovah's spirit is upon me, because he annointed me to declare good news to the poor, he sent me forth to preach.."
And Jesus said that he was the head of the congregation, implying an organization of some type.
all jw's care about are their own salvation or everlasting life.
yoyomama has verified this in the following post:.
"i love the elders in my congregation and i appreciate their effort to help me through my illness.
Dim: paradise earth hope = active JW's.
I'm seriously not trying to sound cocky but....DUH!
The hope of a immortal life in paradise is one of the main things that drives JW's. That IS our personal goal after all. To be worthy before God to receive his blessings.
Julie, I can honestly say as a JW, that I live a very happy life, and get to do anything I would ever want to, I don't feel I've wasted anything.
i am an active jw and was raised as one.
i have been watching the site for a while and thought it could benefit from the opinions of someone who is happily a member of the jw's.
i will not get into any argumets that lead to nothing except name calling, and will not talk with anyone who is just plain mean (plenty of them in here).
Name, all I can say is that its in God's hands as to how everyone will have a fair share. If the preaching work was a loosing battle, then Jesus wouldn't have done it, and he wouldn't have instructed his followers to do it. If we went out every DAY, and never talked to a single person, we would keep on trying, because Jesus asked us to, and God wants us to.
When Jesus preached door to door, most people thought he was a wacko too.
i am an active jw and was raised as one.
i have been watching the site for a while and thought it could benefit from the opinions of someone who is happily a member of the jw's.
i will not get into any argumets that lead to nothing except name calling, and will not talk with anyone who is just plain mean (plenty of them in here).
Name, if we thought that everyone in the USA or the world had heard the "good news" and made their decision, then we wouldn't still be preaching. That is why we believe this system is still here. To give everyone a chance.
Every single week out in the ministry, we meet and talk to people who never talked to us before. And as much as you may not want to admit it, people DO talk to us every week. Not everyone brushes us off. And as long as that is the case, progress is being made.
And since it was God who had Noah build the ark and hide in it, I'm sure he would intervene and make sure they weren't "drowning in crap and piss".
i am an active jw and was raised as one.
i have been watching the site for a while and thought it could benefit from the opinions of someone who is happily a member of the jw's.
i will not get into any argumets that lead to nothing except name calling, and will not talk with anyone who is just plain mean (plenty of them in here).
Thats what I was going to say alliwannadoislive. Any person appointed over a congregation in any religion is supposed to protect and warn his congregation. Thats their job. Wheather it's immoral movies, or degrading music, of course they don't want anyone in the congregation viewing such things.
And Follow the leader is a sweat album
ShaunaC: I'm in my mid-twenties, been married for 3 years, and was raised as a JW. As far as specific subjects I would like to refute or discuss, I'll be sticking by head in certain topics. Thanks for the welcome!
(I really hate it when you type an entire message and try to post only to be informed that you forgot to enter your password, in which case you have to try to remember what you wrote! ARRRRGGGHH!)
i am an active jw and was raised as one.
i have been watching the site for a while and thought it could benefit from the opinions of someone who is happily a member of the jw's.
i will not get into any argumets that lead to nothing except name calling, and will not talk with anyone who is just plain mean (plenty of them in here).
Name, I didn't show the elders some of my music out of fear. I did it because it bugs me when anyone condemns my music without ever have listened to it. And no, I don't feel there is anything wrong with a person's spiritual head giving them some direction on certain things, including entertainment. That's is kinda what their job is. I am glad though that the elders don't condemn music based on what type it is anymore.
NameWitheld says: "Well, in cases such as rape, marital problems, pedophilia, mental problems, sickness, etc you can't just tell a person "Well, just work harder at meetings, FS, study" and expect it to magically solve problems."
You are absolutely right. Meetings and studying God's word don't magically make marriage problems and mental illness go away, but they sure as hell help. I know that from experience.
i am an active jw and was raised as one.
i have been watching the site for a while and thought it could benefit from the opinions of someone who is happily a member of the jw's.
i will not get into any argumets that lead to nothing except name calling, and will not talk with anyone who is just plain mean (plenty of them in here).
Thanks Joelbear.
Alliwannadoislive: I used to like Fear Factory a lot. Especially the demanufacture album. I still listen to them occasionally. My elders don't like it my music to much either, but I showed a couple of the elders some songs (by the Pumpkins and Nirvana) and the lyrics just to prove that there wasn't anything wrong with that "style" of music, it helped. Is your name from a Korn track? Thats what it sounds like to me. And thanks for the advice!
Dim: My reply will probably just tick you off, but I'm just being honest. Like others you've talked to, its not a big deal to me. I haven't dug into the matter to much, and haven't seen much official info. I guess to me its just a little thing that people are turning into a big earth-shattering event.
i am an active jw and was raised as one.
i have been watching the site for a while and thought it could benefit from the opinions of someone who is happily a member of the jw's.
i will not get into any argumets that lead to nothing except name calling, and will not talk with anyone who is just plain mean (plenty of them in here).
Yes Name, all religions have a life after death belief. But the jw's is the only one that seems feasible to me.
Your obsession with the whole "____ or die" is obviosly the result of something that happened to you. I have never in any assembly or meeting I've been to been told that. Or even had that hinted to me.
Yes, I believe that God expects things from me, as the bible says he does. And yes, the bible says if you don't live your life according to God's ways, you are risking your life. That is something that the Bible teaches....WTS didn't make that up.
And I'm sorry if you can't accept it, but all the "stuff" that I do in regards to my worship IS because of love.