Wait... a tower made from watches??? That sounds awesome! That is a word I never ever associated with anything JW. I jest, and yet I just realized the truth in my jest...
JoinedPosts by jwundubbed
Jehovah's Witnesseses have been waiting so long for Armageddon...
by usualusername1 inthat they have starting building towers from watches or watchtowers....
How do you find reddit
by joe134cd injust curious but how do the people off this forum find reddit.
for myself i find reddit to be sadly lacking in the jw world.
i just don't find the depth there e.g one sentence replies, trying to be funny.
I found reddit the site to be confusing. It isn't my thing. I tried it as an xJW resource when a forum I had been using shut down and I didn't like it. I didn't like how people treated each other. I wasn't there very long but it just didn't sit right with me. I haven't used it since.
Jehovah's Witness Recovery is no more...
by TimeBandit ini just tried to go to the site and there is a goodbye message.
i was a member there since 2010. i was really surprised.
i had just started posting there again after being away for a while.
@fokyc, many posters went to the ex-jws board.
I would exercise caution however. They have some great content but my experience was that they weren't willing to moderate/intervene between people who behave badly. You get that from time to time when people in recovery from an abusive cult join social forums. Heck, you get that in any ordinary social network where people interact with each other to any extent. Their stance was that they expect adults to act like adults and handle any conflicts on their own. My stance was that I am acting like an adult if I am asking the moderators/admin of a group to help me when another moderator/admin is harassing me. I was a moderator at the time. There was no block function that I knew of, and when there is a block function you usually can't block moderators/admin. The other member/moderator wouldn't stop contacting, and I couldn't get any satisfactory response from the owner/other moderators, so my only option was to leave. YMMV.
Most people probably won't face that. And it was a long time ago that I faced that, so they might have changed their policy since then. Also, I'm not saying don't go there. I'm saying... enter any social network with your eyes open and do your best to find out if they deal with conflict between people in ways that make you feel safe and secure with their site. That's good advice for any social network.
How do you deal with depression?
by BlackWolf ini'm currently going through a bout of depression and my eating disorder has gotten worse.
ever since my parents actually told me that they are going to kick me out when i turn 18 i've felt kind of hopeless about my life.
my parents won't take me to the doctor because the psychiatrists won't have my "best interests" aka jw crap in mind, because really that's the root of all my problems.. i'm wondering if any of you guys have any advice with dealing with depression?
Is anybody in the US able to make a similar offer? If not, why not? Are we just all talk here and not willing to help out?
I wish I were able to help out like that. I rent a room from a couple and live with their disabled daughter and I make about $1000 a month. I am in no place to offer anything more than advice. But I would offer my home if I had one of my own.
The 1975 Generation---are they still around?
by minimus ini was raised as a jw and 1975 expectations were pretty intense.
as i recall, most people did not leave after the failed expectations but many s l o w e d down.
now, i think most of the 1975 witnesses are gone or barely in.. is the older generation still around in the kingdom halls or are they much gone?.
I was born in 1976, my older sister was born in January of 1975. My mother has believed she was annointed from nearly the beginning of her time as a JW. She is very much still 'in'. All the elders I knew as a kid from her main congregation were there for the big 1975 and are still there to this day. I think lots of folks from that time are still in.
But I also think that the fear instilled in some of them for that time was enough to carry them through many of the false prophesies. They just think, "Well, God did say that no one would know the day or the hour". Also, a lot of the folks that I know that were there for the 1975 dud and are still there, are not great critical thinkers. Rather they are great at creating their own world in their minds and ignoring all the things that contradict them. But that is just my experience.
How do you deal with depression?
by BlackWolf ini'm currently going through a bout of depression and my eating disorder has gotten worse.
ever since my parents actually told me that they are going to kick me out when i turn 18 i've felt kind of hopeless about my life.
my parents won't take me to the doctor because the psychiatrists won't have my "best interests" aka jw crap in mind, because really that's the root of all my problems.. i'm wondering if any of you guys have any advice with dealing with depression?
Actually, even as a child you have more rights then you are led to believe. You could even make an anonymous call to social services in your area and tell them that you feel threatened. I know that seems extreme but you will be eighteen soon and you may be able (forced even) to talk to a counselor who could help you with resources.
I found this article that deals with your situation. Parents have a legal obligation to support you. Threatening you is not support.
Read the items under "Homeless" because they list a lot of resources that you might be unaware of. You could even tell your boss that you are worried that you won't have a home soon. They might be able to help you find help in your area.
You have options and resources. You feel stuck and alone because you have been told that you are stuck and alone.
My parents did some similar stuff to me when I was younger. I actually asked if I could move out at 17 and they said no and I believed them. I could have had resources if I had just told anyone outside the religion and my family what I was going through. I actually did attempt suicide. I don't advocate it. But it did teach me some valuable lessons. As long as you are alive, things can get better. They don't always get easier because life is hard, but you learn how to deal with stuff and that makes life better.
Getting exercise, sleep, and a good diet is imperative to getting out of depression. If it's too hot outside, clean your house. Seriously! It is good exercise, it is something small that you can accomplish and feel good about, and it is easier to deal with the stuff going on in your head when your house is clean. It is also a symptom of depression to let cleaning slide which just adds to the pressure of the depression. I don't mean clean the whole house... that can feel overwhelming and then you feel guilty if you can't get it all done. Pick an area and clean it. The area can be small. Then, when you feel ready, pick another area and clean that.
There is a book you should be able to get from your local library called 'Clearing Your Clutter with Feng Shui'. I know, it sounds flacky. The thing is that it goes into some of the symptoms and behaviors of depression. Not what you would expect from the title! It is a great book and one I keep around for those times when depression is looming above me.
You can also get access to resources for getting a place on your own at your local library. Getting a plan of action for yourself will help you both practically, and also help you to feel like you have some control which will help to ease the depression. Take a gander at Craigslist in your area, or in the area you want to live in. There are often people letting rooms at low cost. You can get a good situations which will allow you to get out of your parents home while at the same time allow you to save some money and plan for the future. This isn't to say that you need to leave your home right now, but it will help you plan for when the time comes... if worst comes to worst.
Also, ask your local librarian about community colleges in the area. Community colleges are much easier to get into then bigger colleges and you can easily transfer from one to a bigger university later on. I don't know your situation, but the kids I knew who did home-schooling had a harder time going to college afterwards. Concentrate on getting an education which will help you no matter what you decide to do later in life, or even no matter what the future brings. Going to college can seem daunting and overwhelming, so don't think of it like that. Instead just take a look at what your options are. It doesn't hurt to look. And if your parents don't like it you might consider reminding them that the people who have the best jobs and help out the most at Bethel also have college degrees. The organization has lawyers, all volunteers who went to college against the advice of the organization. All those people doing the advertising and production and acting for the new digital media they do... well that takes an education, one you wont get just by going out in service. There are lots of ways to serve the organization and you should be able to choose a way that you can be happy with. I'm not saying you have to stay in the organization, but that you have options no matter what life choices you make. College gives you even more life choices.
Also, a few little tricks. Wake up, look in the mirror, smile at yourself, and say, "I deserve to be happy", and then smile again. What makes you happy is up to you. But you do deserve to be happy. This is an affirmation. Say it long enough and you will believe it. Smile when you do it and you might actually feel a little bit happier than you were before you said it. Eat a piece of chocolate (not a whole cake or anything) when you are feeling low. Physiologically chocolate releases chemicals in your brain which tells you that you are feeling 'in love' which is a great feeling, while the act of smiling releases chemicals in your brain that tells you that you are feeling 'happy'. These little tricks won't cure your depression but they will help. Smile before you exercise too. It will help you feel like you are doing the right thing, which you are... but sometimes the right thing for our bodies doesn't actually feel right and good.
Just a really messed up situation
by My Name is of No Consequence ina quick summary of my situation: i have known ttatt since at least 2010. my wife and teenage son are still in.
i only mention that because it is relevant in this situation.
you can see some of my previous posts for additional details.
Have you considered just talking to him while she is there? She can't disagree with what you want to say when it is the truth of the situation.
If she is there, then she can argue the point but she can't make him un-hear what you have said. Just hearing it can have an impact. Cautioning him that he is making a life commitment and what that means can't hurt in her hearing either. Kids often don't think much beyond the present and the near future. Someone should be telling him what a lifetime commitment means, and what happens if he breaks it... not just now or a year from now but five years from now, ten years from now, twenty years from now, etc. Someone should be telling him that it isn't just between him and God.
She can argue against what you are saying but he will still have heard it. And if he hears the arguments then he has to think about those two. Sometimes just introducing critical thinking is a seed all by itself. And if you present it as a concern that he is thinking things through so that he can make the appropriate choices for himself.... not trying to discourage him but making sure he knows how important his decision is... then she doesn't have a great place to argue from. And your son will be less likely to get baptized just to spite you, as kids do with their parents and as kids with arguing parents sometimes do.
Judge sanctions WTS - $4k per day penalty for not producing sex abuse documents
by Simon injudge sanctions jehovah's witnesses.
imposes $4000-a-day penalty for not producing documents in sex-abuse case.
by dorian hargrove, june 24, 2016. a san diego superior court judge has ordered the church of jehovah's witnesses, also known as the watchtower bible and tract society of pennsylvania, to pay $4000 a day for every day that it fails to produce documents requested in a civil lawsuit brought by former parishioner, osbaldo padron, who claims a church elder sexually abused him when he was seven years old.. in a june 23 ruling, expected to be made final today, judge richard strauss admonished the church for willfully ignoring a court order to produce all documents associated with a 1997 body of elders letter that church leaders sent to parishes around the world in a quest to learn about sexual abuse of children by church leaders.. over the course of the past year, the watchtower society and its lawyers have fought hard to keep the letter confidential, claiming that turning over the documents would infringe on the privacy of those mentioned in the letter that were not associated with the case.. in march 2015, the church turned over a heavily redacted version of the letter.
I have seen at least two other cases like this one, where they judge made them pay money for willfully refusing to release the documents.
Nobody at work knows what JWs believe
by Athanasius inrecently susie, one of my co-workers mentioned that her husband's family were all jws.
the family converted after susie's husband left home, so he never joined the jws, nor does he intend to.
anyway another co-worker asked her: "what do the jws believe?".
I've been told that JWs....
1.) believe that Jesus will come back to earth to save humanity riding atop a green UFO, because he is the leader of the aliens as well as the ruler of the humans
2.) are not allowed to wear jewelry
3.) are afraid of blood
4.) don't celebrate holidays but seem pretty normal beyond that.... i.e. they don't know anything else about them
5.) are a break-off sect of Mormons
6.) are not allowed to wear make-up and the women aren't allowed to wear anything but dresses and skirts
7.) are not allowed to swim
8.) believe in the rapture
... to name a few
Cart "Witnessing"
by Funchback inbesides being a waste of time for those doing it, and being an easy way for the society to inflate its reports of time spent in the ministry, cart witnessing is also taking up space.
i live in a hot city in brazil.
today, the jws decided to set up their cart in the shady spot of the bus stop, where people going to work have to wait for the bus.. ugh!.
Besides being a waste of time for those doing it, AND being an easy way for the Society to inflate its reports of time spent in the ministry, cart witnessing is also taking up space. I live in a hot city in Brazil. Today, the JWs decided to set up their cart in the shady spot of the bus stop, where people going to work have to wait for the bus.
You could call the transit company and complain. They are taking up valuable space. My sister and I called to complain where we are and we never see them anymore.
I have to ride past a cart on my bike every wednesday and the same old vinegar tits sister that persecuted me at the hall sits there pretending she doesn't see me. I thought of taking a longer alternative route, but then thought screw em I 'm not going to let them dictate my day.
You should wave and smile and let her know how happy you are. Let her day be ruined because you aren't a miserable being in the world.