Well... to be fair, all the items you mention are in the original fairy-tales that we have come to love through animation and digital media, through Disney, Dreamworks, and Pixar. Those tales were actually pretty gruesome, which is why I always liked the originals, and fall right in line with our own bedtime stories from our 'Book of Bible Stories'. The big difference is that most people in the world got the watered down or white-washed version of their stories while we got the original... but perverted for a different course.
JoinedPosts by jwundubbed
My Book With Bible Stories - 91 stories of murder and rape to be used as bedtime stories for your little children
by Anders Andersen in"no honey, daddy doesn't like this book.
do you have a nice book we can read?.
as far as i know my wife and i agree this book would be off-limits.
Trouble in paradise!
by Confusedalot injust for fun, some thoughts about the paradise teaching:.
will all the carnivores be transformed anatomically?
if a lion is transformed into a herbivore would it still be a lion?
Will all the carnivores be transformed anatomically? If a lion is transformed into a herbivore would it still be a lion? Or will carnivores just not be there because of their sins?
Most carnivores wouldn't need to be transformed anatomically. They would need a new set of teeth and a different structure to their stomachs. So, basically a little nip here, a tuck there, and some dental implants would work just fine.Will they have immune systems? If there is no illness will they need immune systems. And how much would the world need to change so that anything that can cause them harm will not be there?
The easier answer is to give every living being a super immune system. Just make them superheroes but don't tell them. I mean... your basic Marvel Wolverine or DC Superman sans flight would work just fine.
Will they have children? If they have eternal life will there be any need for children. Would they even have marriage? Would they procreate? No sex in paradise or is God just gonna make them infertile?
My dad is a scientist. He said there was a really good reason why people can't have children then... and it isn't just because we will all suddenly lose our sex organs/genitalia (look it up) and become real life barbie dolls. If all life on earth continued to procreate but we no longer killed any animals and people didn't die... humans would end up packed into the earth with the animals like sardines first and foremost because of how prolifically the flies procreate. There is a phrase, 'to mate like rabits'... it isn't for nothing. Nope, can't have that. The earth would reach its tipping point and fall right out of the sky in less than a month!
Will there be no pain or limited pain? If there is no pain will that mean that slapping someone hard wont be a sin because they cant feel it?
Well, there are two things to address here.
First, slapping someone isn't currently a sin because it hurts. It is a sin because it is taking violent action against another person. If pain = sin, helluva lot more things would be sinful. We could all incarcerate our coffee tables for sinning against our toes.
Second, this may hurt your brain. When someone feels that 'tickle' sensation that makes them giggle they are actually experiencing pain. Their brain gets the signals mixed up and tells them that it is funny and they should laugh. So... with that in mind... would there even be happiness?
Will they remember friends and family that "did not make it" and other bad life experiences? If we cant remember these things will it actually be "Me" that was resurrected?
Serious answer: I was thinking about this just today. I've been marinating the idea of writing an Armageddon story and so I think about these things a wee bit more than anyone needs to. I was thinking about how TV shows never portray the grief of losing a character correctly. They have a day where everyone mourns. Good shows will bring up the loss in other small ways later on. But the reference to the loss and to the lost ones fade out until there is almost no memory of the person at all. In reality, I think we do something similar except that loss of someone really close takes way longer to fade and even after the fade we have moments where we just have to cry over the loss. But then I thought... maybe we don't have those moments where we need to have a deep weep over our bereavement. Maybe TV is more like reality than we would like to think. Maybe, when we have no references to that person... maybe then we really do practically forget them.
I have to ponder this thought a little more.
An eternity in paradise means an eternity of constant fear of doing something wrong and loosing everything in the second death? Talk about a constant axe over the neck!
Um... I think you misunderstand the definition of 'eternity'. I think there is like a thousand years between the first and second death. Then... um... um... if God cannot lie... then he thinks up some horrible punishment for misbehavior because by that point everyone should be in line... Yeah... I got nothin'. I wish I had thought this one through when I was still in. That would have saved me a couple of decades of PTSD.
Will those in paradise live like God intended and be naked? Imagine you are in paradise, its late afternoon, you and your family are watching the sunset and talking about how great it is to be in paradise. All of a sudden your neighbor Bob(naked) passes in front of you and drops his apple. He bends over to pick it up but it keeps rolling away and he just cant seem to get it (all this in plain view). Now you see the moon also!
You have already forgotten the Barbie & Ken rule. Imagine if Bob looked like Ken Doll and bent over. Meh. Nothing to see folks. Actually, I might cry. How could God take away all our toys? Hasn't he punished us enough?
JWs MUST Accept The Watchtower Teachings EVEN When They Are Wrong!
by minimus inisn't it unbelievable that a jehovah's witness must accept whatever the organization says or they can be disfellowshipped??
unless they tell you that their understanding has changed, you cannot believe anything unless they say it's ok. .
many years ago i questioned them about their ridiculous view that whenever the word "heart" was mentioned, it was a literal blood filled organ.
this is the same thing as sending soldiers into unnecessary danger because a plan of attack was misguided/misinformed. It's never about being right........ it's worse then that.....because it's always about marching in step.....obeying orders.
I disagree. The fundamental difference being that soldiers are told that their job is to follow orders and they know that when they sign up. There is enough information out there for anyone going into the military to know that they might end up going into battle when their commander is wrong to any extent. They know that when they sign up... or they should. Example, "The Charge of the Light Brigade" by Alfred Tennyson (1854) explained beautifully in 'The Blind Side'.
This is what 'gaslighting' is. You have to believe whatever they tell you at the moment they are telling you it. Even if it doesn't make sense. Even if they said something different one second before. Even if they just contradicted themselves. They are always right and when they make the argument that you are wrong... in this way.. it is gaslighting. It isn't straightforward. It isn't honest. And no one consented to having the GB be correct even when they are wrong when they signed up.
I should amend that last sentence. No one born into the cult, and people from my parents and my generation didn't consent to the GB being right even when they are wrong. It is entirely possible that people are currently consenting to that before they join up. I remember hearing that specific rhetoric in my teens. My mom believes she is annointed and has since she joined up... she would argue the ridiculousness of what the GB wanted us to believe and then would tell us to believe it anyway!
Shocking news
by Confusedalot ini recently posted about what would happen if my mom got sick,seeing that i'm apostate.
even today i posted on a thread about blood transfusions.. i just received a text from my brother saying that my mom is in hospital and requires a transfusion to survive....is this a coincidence?.
am i being punished by jehovah, or is the devil out to get me...i dont know anymore what to do.... things are getting too much, guess i should not have joked so much in my posts..
Am I being punished by Jehovah, or is the devil out to get me
So.... either God is hurting you or Satan is hurting you? Does that really make sense to you? Shouldn't one of those particular two be trying to help you and the other is trying to harm you? Isn't that how it is supposed to work? The fact that you see both deities as out to get you... should tell you something about your logic. It isn't working quite right. It should also tell you about your state of mind in regards to your religious authority. You aren't in a position where you trust in a higher power. If you take a moment to digest your own words, you do know what to think.
Your mom is sick and she needs medical help that she might not get. You are faced with possibly losing your mother. It sucks and it hurts and there isn't any good reason for it. It is much easier to blame a non-existent body that can't talk back and tell you that you are wrong. It is much easier to blame a deity than to face what must be an incredibly painful moment in your life.
Don't be so hard on yourself. Life is hard enough. Losing the ones we love is hard enough. Instead of looking for someone to blame... maybe have a good long cry. Accept that you might experience a loss. It will be much easier to face if you have prepared for it. While blaming an absent deity is easier, it won't make what you have to go through any easier. You are in for hard times. And the hard reality is that sometimes you can't protect yourself from that. You just have to face it. Breath. Walk forward. Get out of bed. Cry. Talk. Keep moving and keep living until it gets easier to deal with. It will get easier to deal with.
My return to the WT...a terrible mistake
by JustHuman14 ini haven't posted for quite a bit, decided to share my thoughts on this one, so it is a reference topic for anyone who decides to return back to the org, knowing all about the tatt.
being way for quite long for almost 15 years and all wt's activities, i have missed quite a lot including the "new light" latest updates, i found it quite hard to follow up what was going on to the meetings.
new songs, wt broadcast, videos, internet (so wt now is in favor of the internet) cartoons, and everything seemed completely new and weird to me.. reason for going back it was the severe pressure from close family members to return back to the "truth".
It is never too late to become educated. Look into schools in your area. They will have counselors that you can talk to. If your family questions your choice to become more educated, then point out the elder's kids that got a college education.
I just graduated with an undergraduate degree in 2014. I was 38 years old. With hard times more and more adults are going to (or back to) college. They are called non-traditional students. Ask the schools that you look into about options and resources as a non-trad student. Check out the Financial Aid, you may be surprised how much assistance you can get. Look at trade schools as well as colleges. Check out your local community colleges if you aren't confident in your academic abilities. Only thing... be sure you know what you want to go for before you start. It is easy to make poor economic choices when you don't know what your end goal is.
Petition! 100,000 signatures...
by darkspilver in....are needed by tuesday 19 september 2017 !your voice in the white house.
we the people ask the federal government to tell us what the federal government is doing about an issue: investigate watchtower bible and tract society for known child sexual abuse within its organization and not reported.. created by h.c. on august 20, 2017. save the children!
pass a law to protect children.
There are only 107 signatures for this so far and September 19 is not that far away. I would suggest sending the information to YouTube activists -
"You should worry when we stop knocking."
by Zoos inwhat an arrogant thing to say.. "you shouldn't complain about us knocking on your door.
you should worry when we stop.".
wish i had a snappy response to shove up their pompous ass every time i hear a jw spew this..
The bunker video!!!!
Who hides in a bunker but doesn't lock the door?
Who thinks that a simple 1, 2, 3 knocking code will save you?
Who puts a ladder in a basement bunker when the stairs are right outside the door and the ladder couldn't possibly lead anywhere? I mean, what was it supposed to be for???
If you are hiding in a bunker and expecting the end of the world... why would you be relying on tap water? I can only assume that when that person left the room to get water they went to a bathroom or kitchen... otherwise, why not keep the BOTTLED water in the same room with you? They all huddled together like that was the only room... then suddenly there was another room??? What?
So much about that video made no sense. Like why the LAPD were all wearing different shoes, not the combat boots those squads usually wear. I hope they make a full movie. I love disaster comedies.
Oh, but back to the subject... a comeback...
"Are you kidding? Who would want to live forever with a jerk like you? I'd rather meet Satan in Sheol and live happily never after." (I probably got that last name wrong. It's been too long. I can't remember!)
"You should worry when we stop knocking."
by Zoos inwhat an arrogant thing to say.. "you shouldn't complain about us knocking on your door.
you should worry when we stop.".
wish i had a snappy response to shove up their pompous ass every time i hear a jw spew this..
"Oh. Do you still do that? Huh? The absence hasn't bothered me yet."
What is the watchtower going to do when
by pepperheart inwhat is the watchtower going to do when the money runs out ??
> A few people have wondered if/when the Gov Body will run off with the money. They don't need to.
Um.... they do if they want to keep it out of the courts. Last few court hearings I have seen the judges fined them every day until they provided specific paperwork AND held them in contempt. They never provided the paperwork and the fees added up. Then add to that any losses where they are found in fault and have to hand over large chunks of money... it isn't just about all the in-house bookkeeping. There are external factors as well.
What is the watchtower going to do when
by pepperheart inwhat is the watchtower going to do when the money runs out ??
Ever since I saw the 'bunker' videos I have been waiting for the GB to announce that Armageddon has arrived, to send everyone off to their designated shelters, and then flee the country with their money to whatever off-shore bank account country will have them. Then I expect to see news accounts of bizarre shelter stories.
I got this idea into my head somehow and just can't shake it.