They have sometimes unknowingly helped people to remain in the organization because they knew know better.
I just have to say this.... they knew NO better. I don't have any idea why you would knowingly mispell that word. It doesn't help you make your point.
However with knowledge comes responsibility.
And what is it that gives you the right to dictate how exactly others should use their knowledge responsibly? You are telling us that you are better than them because you eventually left. How exactly is that better than staying and trying to effect some change?
That is like telling all the Americans who don't like that Trump became president to jump ship and go live in a country they like better. If you want things to change, you don't run away... you fight for that change. And how you fight can work in a bunch of different ways. You can educate people. You can support people. You can show them there are other ways. You can leak documents that prove the bad guys are at fault.
I'm sorry, but I'm not buying the idea that the only people who make the right choices are they ones who made the same choice that you made.
Actually, that sounds like you have a lot of guilt you are living with and you want others to validate your idea that you did the right thing. You did the right thing for you. Don't tell other people what their right thing to do is. Let them make that choice for themselves. And they you all live with your choices. And you deal with your feelings about it... on your own time. Not by insulting people who made different choices than the ones you made.
And for the love of God and everyone else in the world, please stop propogating the idea that there is ANY SINGLE RIGHT WAY OF DOING ANYTHING. No one can live up to that completely unrealistic standard. And it isn't true. It IS a JWism. Why does there have to be only one right way? Sounds to me like you have some internal issues to work on.
When they get to the point where they know without a doubt that what they're teaching is wrong they should not continue to teach innocent sheep falsehoods that ultimately will wreck their lives.
But it doesn't wreck everyone's lives. If it did, the sheeple would all flee. Have you ever been around or seen sheep? When there is danger, they run away. So, if every single one of the JWs was going to have their lives wrecked, they would run away from it. They aren't fleeing because some of them are happy right where they are. Their lives aren't ruined nor wrecked. So... if you are in a position of authority over people, you are teaching them something that you think is wrong, but only some are wrecked by it... then how do you know what is the right step to take?
It isn't simple. It isn't black and white. And it is really gross on your part to act like you are better than the others because you eventually made a choice you can live with. Take it down a notch. Because I get the feeling that you are being so vocal about it because you had choices that you feel guilty about. Man up and stop putting your inadequacies onto other people. They have enough to deal with on their own.
There is no ONE SINGLE CHOICE, any more than there is ONLY ONE TRUE GOD. Dude! No one outside of the JWs wants to be treated that way, so stop treating people that way. It only makes you look bad.