read it again.... and again.... see the contradiction? Its not found among white people... but it is found among the indentured servants of england and america? Those are white people. In your rush to idenitfy the white man as the root of all evil you made directly contradicting statements. - _Morpheus
Um... I didn't say that good slavery isn't among white people. I said you don't find good forms of slavery among the traffickers of white slavery. White slavery is sometimes perpetrated by white people and sometimes by people of other races. Human trafficking of any race doesn't contain consensual contracts between people. Indentured servitude existed among white people and other races as well. It was sometimes consensual and sometimes it was good, sometimes it was bad.
I actually didn't identify anyone as the root of all evil. I didn't talk about evil at all. I talked about consensual slavery. And consensual slavery in the United States today, in consent based relationships with power differentials and ownership between partners is actually predominantly among white people. There are some people of other races but it is predominantly a white demographic. It also, is not evil, because it is consensual.
History can be full and at the same time have rarity. It's called time. Humans have been recording history for how long now? You can have rare examples from specific eras, or among specific races but when you add up all the examples they have a fullness to them. I understand that the complexity of humanity isn't always black and white and it is easier if you can't have it both ways, but sometimes you can have it both ways and still be telling the truth. Rarity and fullness are not mutually exclusive terms. Both words can actually be used in different ways, and then context is important. Time and recorded history is a very broad context that allows for two seemingly opposite words to actually function at the same time and do not equal each other out.
I also understand that it is more comfortable for people to believe that a topic like slavery is only 'one way'. That it was bad and there are no shades of grey only shades of black and white. But that isn't true. People have been enslaving other people since the beginning of time. You find it among the Vikings, among the American Indians, among the Druids, among the Aztecs, etc. on and on. You find it among people of the same races, among people of the same classes/castes, and among people of the same religions.
It is fine for you to have your belief about what slavery is and isn't but based both on my unique experiences and education, slavery isn't always bad. I'm allowed to have my belief and to say it openly too.
Who polishes poo? Seriously? Read a book. Try reading a book that does more than just confirm your own bias.