my appologies if you are offended. Yes, I did pick up your question and run with it in a different direction. It sparked me in the direction I have been thinking the last couple of days and it required a new topic. I had read so many things this morning that I did not pay attention to who brought up the question. I yield to you.
As to the other thread I didn't add to it because I felt it was pretty clearly established. I agree with your outlook on that subject, by the way.
Really, the outside world does see this about JWs and has known it for a long time. As for the ones inside, what really can you do? There are 100 times as many Muslims that blindly believe the same thing about their religion too. Its the illogical premise that every single last religion on the planet is built on, and no amount of protestations or well formed arguments from former members of any of these fundamentalist types will really change much.
100% agreement.
My thought on that was from the viewpoint of my family, who do not see the JW's as the outside world does.
I have to disagree with you about the worth of staying with a mate who may not accept the same freedom of thought as you do. That is a personal decision and everyone will decide for themselves what is "worth it" and what is not. And whether someone decides they need or don't need a therpist to talk to is not predicated on religion or anything else. That again is a personal matter. I for one can function just fine even if my wife were hostile to me, which she is not. My freedoms and goals are no more important to me than are hers. That's just my personal belief. I don't expect everyone to share it. I know that some people object to a mate taking up half of their life. But I happen to beleive that if you have a good mate you owe it to them to give of yourself, even if it means emptying yourself for awhile. I won't allow myself to be dominated by my mate but neither will I try to dominate.
I happen to be struggling with my anger and fears right now but I have not lost my mind. I am willing to explore the new territory of being at odds with my wife on subjects that I have previously considered of utmost importance. I am willing to consider that I can be as much a part of the problem as her. She is not at fault for my having a change of mind. I don't think she will shun me if I'm DF'd. I may be jeopardizing my business future with her family but I am willing to test that.
I no longer take such a cut and dried approach to things as you seem to be suggesting. Life is just too complex and interesting to be so limited. I prefer to explore and learn new things and experience new insights and I always try to remain balanced. This week I have been having problems with my balance so I am happy to share my thoughts here and get some feed back. I already feel better. And today I took the first step in advancing beyond my former place of silence. More to come.