Hey Francois,
that Alaska trip sounded pretty good! I would love to see Alaska.
Thanks for the comments. Actaully, I didn't mean to give the impression that I was disatisfied with my wife and am looking for an excuse to leave her. That is not the case. Like I said earlier, I like my wife and we get along very well. Whatever problems we have are equally my own fault and I do not think she is the problem. I WOULD like to see her get up to speed with me on this JW/religion thing and that is perhaps the source of my angst with her. The feelings of distrust are coming from a baseless idea I learned when in the dub cult. I am still held captive somewhat to that habit of thinking that my wife must be on my side on all religious and spiritual issues. In my mind I now know that that is a load of crap but I still haven't found the balance in my feelings about it.
The family business is just another wrinkle and, yes, I am concerned that my speaking out to defend those being hurt by the WTS will jeapordize my position in that business. But I am willing to test those waters and deal with whatever happens. In reality the two tings are not dependent on one another. I doubt very much that my wife will shun meor try to block me from participating in the business. Whatever happens there will come from her mom and our employees. They may all surprise me and decide to tolerate me. Who knows? But if I have to move on in my business life I will have no problem doing that. But it likely will not include a move to Alaska.