Eman's question was whether his expectation that foriegners who come to reside in his country learn the language and make an effort to adapt the local habits could be considered racist. I think the general consensus is that it does not make him a racist. I would agree.
Now, why are we going off on a big discussion about racist attitudes in general and trying to defend our own race? While Eman did bring up the question of race I do not think this topic is about general race related issues. The fact that we all agree that the very idea of a local wanting the foriegners to learn the local language and respect the local culture is not racist would seem to indicate that the social problems faced in the UK related to this issue are not purely racial in nature. The fact that race is involved in the topic is circumstancial. It has become necessary for honest and open people who wish to acknowledge the problems they face when dealing with foriegners (or minorities) in their own country to defend themselves against unfair accusations of racial bias. I think that is the crux of the matter. Because Eman or Nemesis have direct comments relating to the actions of some foriegners in their local communities and how this has been affecting them personaly they run the risk of being branded a racist. I think that is clearly unfair and that we should be listening to the natives who are facing their own difficulties in the socio-economic mix in their own country.
Certainly it can't be more fair to listen to the complaints of a foriegner who feels he has been taken advantage of then to turn a deaf ear to the local native who also feels cheated. Only a fair and open dialog, without pre-judgement, can eventually lead to a solution that is equally fair to both parties. But what is happening here is happening in the whole of our societies in general. Just the mere mention of "race" clouds the issues with rhetoric and debate not directly related to the finding of a solution. Most people seem more than content to debate and argue about race but are hard pressed to find anything to say that might actually solve the original problem at hand. Why is that? Why do we let ourselves get distracted by emotional and fruitless argumentation that does not have direct bearing on the problems. There may be an appropriate forum for arguing racial inequality and there is a huge swell of voices that must be heard on that issue alone. However, this matter of foreigners resisting the host countries language and culture is not a racial issue. It is a social issue and is more related to socio-economics than to race.
The unfortunate reality is that many foriegners who find themselves in a host country are un-educated and economically destitute. They easily fall victim to following those who prefer to banter with their "enemies" with flowery rhetoric about how racially depressed they are and who recruit these dupes into their cause. But should that distract us from looking for a solution that serves the needs of both the unfortunate and ignorant and the local bloke who is only trying to take care of his own just like the foreigner who has moved in to his community. Neither Eman or Nemesis, or others who share their opinion on this matter, are suggesting that all foriegners should be judged according to their race or social stature. The are not willing to deny them opportunity. But there must be some rules that will help prevent those who would abuse the generosity of host countries from wrecking havoc in the democratic marketplace. What laws need to be enacted that will protect the honest ones who need help and deter the thieves and con-artists who are only interested in themselves and couldn't care less about whether the community as a whole goes to hell in a handbasket.
Statistics are rarely indicative of individual values. I really hate to be classified as a bigoted white man simply because my skin color is the same as a few bastards who enslaved other human beings for their own profit. I really hate to be called racist when I support the notion that our company live up to certain standards of behavior that does not include wearing torn clothing, tattoos, nose rings, psychodelic hair, using foul language, purposely blasting hip-hop gangsta rap to ensure that everyone else within a two block radius can experience the chosen art form whether they like it or not, and speaking without diction. These requirements of employment will seriously limit my pool of acceptable applicants. But I will not be called a racist if I end up with an unbalanced representation of all the minority cultures in my neighborhood. It has nothing to do with race. But some minority groups are quick to use that accusation in an effort to draw attention to what they feel is unfair discrimination against all nose-ring wearing, tatooed, hip-hop fans. They fail to reason objectively and can only lash out with spurious accusations because that is all they know. Apparently, no one has taught them that getting their arms all tattood up and peircing your entire face will seriously affect their opportunity for advancement and a good paying job (unless they happen to get drafted by the NBA). It seems that many of these folks are content to remain ignorant and uneducated and live off the welfare of others and drug profits and hang out on the street dancing to hip-hop and showing off their tatoos. And then they cry foul when I refuse to employ them or point out to my legislators that my tax dollars are paying for their street parties and for the repairs to the street signs and lamps that get broken in the drunken festivities they prefer to seeking out an education and a good job. Now I'm the enemy ("the man") because I want to bring them up to a higher standard so that maybe their children will be employable.
What is particulary irritating is that should someone from the socially deprived community really try to better themselves and refuse to be assimilated into the street gang culture these ones will be branded as "nigger" and "whitey" and be percieved as switching over to the enemy camp. Then when this achiever moves up the ladder and starts doing well they end up with enemies on both sides. The gangsta's hate them for getting out of the gutter and the dominant social group (which happen to be white in my community) feel threatened by the lower class upstart and won't accept that he or she is not a knife-weilding gutter rat. Pathetic. Everyone should be fairly treated on merit and not judged as the enemy because they are of a different race. And that's the solution to this problem of foreigners in host countries. They should be judged and held accountable but according to rules of merit. If they are contributing to the good of the society they should be given equal priviledge and respect. If they are parasitic and are only looking for handouts they must accept whatever menial tasks are assigned to them by society until they start giving back. When everyone is giving the society tends to thrive. When more people are taking than giving it suffers. But this is idealistic and will likley never happen in the real world. There are too many ingrained problems with society. All that we should expect is that for those that want it there will be an opportunity. We have made some inroads into that type of society but still have a long way to go.