Bill Bowen's disfellowshipping is very likely to have the same effect as the attack, by British and conscripted Indian forces, on Gandhi's followers who attempted to close the Daramsala Salt Works. This event marked the end of the British Raj in India - even though the Brits stayed in nominal power a couple more years. The unprincipled and immoral attack upon unarmed demonstrators showed the world the utter lack of ethics and morals of the the British lording it over someone else in their own home.
Likewise, the JW attacks, disfellowshipping of people who attempt to protect the most defenseless, the most helpless, the most innocent members of our society, is a carbon-copy of the arrogance of the British Raj in India - and at the salt works that fateful day.
These disfellowshippings will demonstrate to the world the complete moral degeneracy of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. And even though its house of cards may stand for a little while longer, the WTBTS's back will be broken.
This is a time of great victory over the oppressors in this satan-spawn organization. I hope that all who can will be present outside the KH while Bill's kangaroo court is meeting. Lift your heads up and stand erect. All the struggle is about to produce fruitage.