Hi Elizabeth,
I see you have already done what I suggested in the other thread. Good. May I ask, why do you want to become a JW? Are you dissatisfied with your current church? Are you in search of something for your life?
The JW's look like a squeeky clean group of good folk. To be sure, many JW's are nice folks. But it still remains that the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society is a cult organization. They have total control of what you are allowed to think and say. If you do not agree with anything they say is God's direction you have only two choices. Either keep your mouth shut and go along or be expelled as an apostate. They don't tell you this when you are "studying". If I were you I would ask your friend these questions:
If I join the JW's now, with a little bit of "knowledge", but later learn more things and decide I want to leave, can I just leave? Can I change my mind? If I later decide to leave what will happen to my friendships and family relationships I have had while a Witness? If I ever have a disagreement with an "elder" can I use the legal system in my country to resolve the issue without santions from the Watchtower? Will the Watchtower organization protect me from any power hungry "elders" who have turned aside from teachings of christianity but have not yet been "found out"? Can you tell me that I will never be slandered by the "elders" as a wicked person if I ever have a disagreement with the body of "elders"? How responsive has Jehovah been to correct any errors the "elders" make and renew the reputations and livelyhood of innocent victims of circumstance?
All these questions and many more like them are way more important than whether you think the JW's serve the same god or not. When you join them they take over complete control of your life. You can't ever change your mind or have a disagreement. Try to understand that the JW's are a complex mix of nice people with a very dangerous outlook on life. Most all Witnesses are ignorant of their own organization's history. And they will turn on you if you so much as suggest that the leaders of the orgnization are no directed by God. They are simple minded folks who believe their leaders are in direct contact with God yet not one of them can tell you how.
They will die for their beliefs but they cannot explain them without help from the Watchtower leaders. Their beleifs are not their own. They are spoon fed at the table of the Faithful & Discreet Slave and will reject every other thought if it doesn't come through this channel. In short, they are a cult.
Do your research, try to defend them. That is the best way to learn the truth about them. It's all there in their own literature and acts. If you really want to know what they are up to try your best to take their side and defend them using their own literature. Do it honestly and objectively. You will then know what we know and why you keep hearing bad things about them.
All the best,