q. God doesn't want you to go to college
r. God doesn't want you to touch yourself
s. Birthdays are bad because... some guys got dead....explain that one again?
t. Oral sex is condemned somewhere in some book of the Bible but don't ask us where
u. An old dude and his three kids built a big-ass wooden crate and filled it with a bunch of animals and somehow they didn't eat each other during the year-long voyage. When they got out a year later, ALL of the kangaroos and stuff hailed the next freighter to some distant island that nobody ever heard of before. And if you believe the pictures....two white people birthed three kids of different races.
v. Lions and tigers were created to eat straw. That's why they have such large, pointy teeth and sharp claws and love to stalk and chase down that vegetation.
w. King David was a righteous guy. He and his men DIDN'T try to run a protection racket on Nabal. David WASN'T lusting after Nabal's wife, Abigail. David OWNED up to his census mistake and took the consequenc....no, wait. He let God decide to take it out on the nation and kill a bunch of innocent people. David wasn't interested in the hottest chick in the country when he was old and feeble. Bullshit. That guy was randy as hell all of his life. Had the little blue miracle pill been invented back then, he would have had his way with Abishag.
x. Jesus could cure blindness, deafness, lepers, and lame people. But not once did he fix an amputee, save for that ear trick after Petey got all excited.
y. A wedding groom would be responsible if a guest were to become intoxicated by drinking alcohol provided at the reception....but not if someone committed gluttony by overindulging on the wedding cake. Tell us again why Jesus did the water to wine trick at the wedding. It wasn't because the caterer forgot to order the wine. It was because they RAN OUT of wine. The wedding feast director all but admitted that some of the guests were inebriated already.
z. Can't use the words "luck" or "lucky" because don't believe in the god/goddess of luck. But okay to use other words glorifying false gods. Like "January", "February", "March", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday", etc...