Poor Rudy....lost in PA.
Team Trump has now lost 25 of 26* court cases.
* The one they "won" resulted in a change of a few dozen votes, not remotely close enough effect a different result.
Which of those 25 (& counting) are they going to "run to the supreme court"?
How would that even work? Trump's team would have to present multiple cases since he'd need to get the SC to somehow reverse at least 37 EC votes - that's a minimum of 3 states.
The Gang That Couldn't Sue Straight keeps getting laughed out of court after court after court after court....yet somehow, they're going to convince the SC to take on 3+ cases, and suddenly, at that very point, develop 3+ sound legal strategies and instantly hire competent lawyers?
Guys...it's over. It's been over for 2 weeks. Biden won. The end. Time to move on.