Exhibit 3,857 from The Gang That Couldn't Sue Straight:
Trump's team <snort> Ha...ha...<guffaw>...they....har....oh I can't go on....
They have submitted an affadavit from someone purportedly identifying "irregularities" from a series of precincts & towns in Michigan.
Ooops, wait a minute...
Here’s the problem: the townships and precincts listed in paragraphs 11 and 17 of the affidavit are not in Michigan. They are in Minnesota.
Evidently a researcher, either Mr. Ramsland or someone working for him, was working with a database and confused “MI” for Minnesota with “MI” for Michigan. (The postal code for Minnesota is MN, while Michigan is MI, so one can see how this might happen.) So the affidavit, which addresses “anomalies and red flags” in Michigan, is based largely, and mistakenly, on data from Minnesota.
This is a catastrophic error, the kind of thing that causes a legal position to crash and burn. Trump’s lawyers are fighting an uphill battle, to put it mildly, and confusing Michigan with Minnesota will at best make the hill steeper. Credibility once lost is hard to regain. Possibly Trump’s lawyers have already discovered this appalling error, and have undertaken to correct it. But the Ramsland Affidavit was filed in Georgia just yesterday.
Oh my stars.
I just...there aren't even words....
Well maybe there is one. Rhymes with "Fustercluck".
EDIT: Oh, one more thing.
In anticipation of this site's resident geniuses either coming up with "Oh, you're quoting some liberal blog" or "well, they got the states mixed up but they still uncovered fraud":
Powerline is a reliably pro-Trump site. They really believe fraud "must have" taken place. The article is bewailing the ineptitude (is that the understatement of the year?) of Trump's legal team.
And, even though the author really believes there is fraud "somewhere out there", here is what he himself writes:
A postscript: has Mr. Ramsland inadvertently stumbled across evidence of voter fraud in Minnesota? I seriously doubt it. The venues in question are all in red Greater Minnesota, not in the blue urban areas where voter fraud is common.