Brummie To The Thread
JoinedPosts by searcher
by mouthy inhi love i had an e-mail from england ( ray & helen) they are trying to get in touch with you....i am going to send you their e-mail on your e-mail here o.k.
Angry letter to my nephew and his wife
by confusedjw ini've changed all the names.
should i send it?
any suggestions you have are welcome.
IMHO family are just people, and, as such, I would expect certain 'standards' of behaviour from them, ie. if they want to be treated as a friend, they should be as a friend.
If people want to keep to themselves, that is fine by me, if friendly, I am prepared to be friendly, hwever, if they would come at me or mine, I have no compunction about retaliating.
The one I feel sorry for in all this is your nephews daughter, your daughter obviously has a loving family to support her, your nephews daughter seems to have only a couple of judgmental a**holes to ruin her life.
People who use children to 'get at' someone disgust me.
BEWARE! This is an Apostate site!!
by laraby ini'm sure 99% of you know this already, but i'm warning whoever visits here and doesn't know.. .
if any of you still read god's word, i ask you to read eze.
33:11 & prov.
a?pos?tate (-t À t ¿ , -tit)
a person guilty of apostasy; renegade
guilty of apostasy
[ ME apostate, apostata < OFr apostate & ML apostata < LL(Ec) apostata < Gr(Ec) apostates < Gr, deserter, rebel: see apostasy ]
©1995 Zane Publishing, Inc. ©1994, 1991, 1988 Simon & Schuster, Inc.
a?pos?ta?sy ( ? päs ¿ t ? s È ) pl. -sies
an abandoning of what one has believed in, as a faith, cause, or principles
[ ME apostasie < LL(Ec) apostasia < Gr apo-, away + stasis, a standing: see stasis ]
©1995 Zane Publishing, Inc. ©1994, 1991, 1988 Simon & Schuster, Inc.
sta?sis (st À¿ sis, stas ¿ is) pl. -ses ¿ (-s È z ¿ )
1 a) a stoppage of the flow of some fluid in the body, as of blood b) reduced peristalsis of the intestines resulting in the retention of feces
2 a state of equilibrium, balance, or stagnancy
[ ModL < Gr, a standing < histanai, to stand ]
©1995 Zane Publishing, Inc. ©1994, 1991, 1988 Simon & Schuster, Inc.
Hm, interesting.
Send some cheering up for our (((bem)))
by xenawarrior ini understand that bem was involved in a car accident a couple of days ago and she's suffering from some broken ribs and a broken toe and is in a great deal of pain.
in addition, her car was totaled.. ((((((((((((bem)))))))))))) sending gentle hugs your way, my friend.
please take care of yourself and i hope you heal quickly and are back with us very soon !!.
Huge and very very gentle hugs to you (((bem))), take real good care of yourself and get well soon.
There is NO annual service report in the Janaury 1st WT
by truthseeker inwell, i have confirmed rumors that have gone around about there being no annual service report for the january 1st, 2005 issue.. .
it seems, for reasons unknown, that the watchtower has ended another decades long tradition.
in the second study article for the january 1st, 2005 watchtower, entitled, "trained to give a thorough witness," paragraph 24 reads: .
The February 1, 2005 issue of The Watchtower will carry the annual report of their activity during the 2004 service year.
Its taking longer and longer to fudge the figures and put the right spin on things
Another Stoopid JW Forwarded Mail...
by Gozz indoes jehovah know what is going on, and does he step when he needs to?
1. the bomb planted in the kingdom hall in australia,
" so he had escorted the brother right through with his literature, (told by bro.
6. In , where the work is done underground, 3 elders were working on a country road. The sky was cloudy. Suddenly a bolt of lightning killed the middle brother. The other 2 hurriedly hid his body in the bushes, to go and remove literature, etc. from his home before the officials came. They take over any possessions they find and give them to whomever they feel can use them. Among his possessions were found a complete list of all the Witnesses from miles around. He was not a brother, but an imposter, planning to turn this list over to the police. As Bro. Lauriz says, if these hadn't come from , we'd never believe them.
Fast working imposter hm?
Thank You.
by searcher intoby keith .
written by: toby keith and chuck cannon .
album: shock'n y'all .
American Soldier
Toby Keith
Written By: Toby Keith and Chuck Cannon
Album: Shock'n Y'all
Be a lover to their mother, everything to everyone
Up and at 'em bright and early, I'm all business in my suit
Yea I'm dressed up for success, from my head down to my boots
I don?t do it for the money, there's bills that I can't pay
I don't do it for the glory, I just do it anyway
Providing for our future's, my responsibility
Yea I'm real good under pressure, being all that I can be
And I can't call in sick on Mondays, when the weekends been too strong
I just work straight through the holidays, and sometimes all night long
You can bet that I stand ready, when the wolf growls at the door
Hey, I'm solid, hey I'm steady, hey I'm true down to the core
And I will always do my duty no matter what the price
I've counted up the cost, I know the sacrifice
Oh, and I don?t want to die for you, but if dyin's asked of me
I'll bear that cross with honor, cause freedom don?t come free
I'm an American soldier, and American
Beside my brothers and my sisters, I will proudly take a stand
When liberty's in jeopardy, I will always do what's right
I'm out here on the front lines, sleep in peace tonight
American soldier, I'm an American soldier
I'm an American soldier, and American
Beside my brothers and my sisters, I will proudly take a stand
When liberty's in jeopardy, I will always do what's right
I'm out here on the front lines, sleep in peace tonight
American soldier, I'm an American
An American, An American, soldierThe world is a better place for having Americans in it.
New Daughter - for those that remember me
by rwagoner infor those that remember me i thought i'd share some news.. born october 6, 2004 - a daughter !!.
4 lbs 13 oz - 18.5 inches.
reagan leeann - yes, the president !.
(Searcher, is rwagoner really your dad? Small world)
No Blondie, I was congratulating the new Mum and Dad.
New Daughter - for those that remember me
by rwagoner infor those that remember me i thought i'd share some news.. born october 6, 2004 - a daughter !!.
4 lbs 13 oz - 18.5 inches.
reagan leeann - yes, the president !.
Congratulations Mum and Dad
Long time since we chatted.
Those poor old Packers!
by onacruse in.
lol...sorry, but i just couldn't help but take a "whack" at those few, very few, poor pathetic green bayers on this db!.
Searcher , that is a nice jacket, althought it would look better if it were a Cowboy's jacket!!
Send one then