Nice one dude.
Good news indeed.
Love to your family.
with the shit going down on this board as of late i'd like to post something really good that happened to me lately.
i got my brother jw brother back.
back in 2001 of this same month i posted about letting jw relatives go because i got tired of the pain of hoping those relationships would be restored when it seemed impossible.
Nice one dude.
Good news indeed.
Love to your family.
danny you have been fearless in your exposing jws for the cult they are and the harm they have done and are doing.
keep up the good work.
but please be careful in what you do as this board and recovering xjws need people like you who are fearless in exposing the wt.
so I dont let loose if one of them calls at my door
Me either.
But I do swear at those people who phone me up all the time trying to sell me double glazing, debt councelling, pension plans......................
The point I was trying to make (nothing personal intended to you) was that no matter what, they win, if we are polite they take that as 'Jehovah smiling on them and smoothing the path', if we are rude/nasty/physical toward them they take it as 'Satans world persecuting them', if we question them, they ignore it.
Mainly I wanted to mention the 'if you don't condemn you condone' thing as I mentioned in my earlier thread, double standards there methinks.
danny you have been fearless in your exposing jws for the cult they are and the harm they have done and are doing.
keep up the good work.
but please be careful in what you do as this board and recovering xjws need people like you who are fearless in exposing the wt.
I am d/fed and as such ordinary JWs preaching in my area should know not to call at my door; but on occassion they still do and I just politely tell them that they should not be calling at my door.
Isn't that what enables these people?
They impolitely call at a door they are not supposed to call at.
You politely tell them to leave.
So they will be back, again and again.
Of course, what Danny supposedly did just makes martyrs of them, so win win for them.
danny you have been fearless in your exposing jws for the cult they are and the harm they have done and are doing.
keep up the good work.
but please be careful in what you do as this board and recovering xjws need people like you who are fearless in exposing the wt.
Very true, life isn't black and white, and a few are trying to say that about the 'Danny Case'.
you guys are amazing.
for some time posters here have been saying that big changes were afoot and that the "members only" wt would be used to announce this new light.
i admit i was apathetic and thought, ok, maybe.
Think of the kudos of being able to see inside the new "members only" Watchtower.
Good point,
We usually get the lastest first on here.
danny you have been fearless in your exposing jws for the cult they are and the harm they have done and are doing.
keep up the good work.
but please be careful in what you do as this board and recovering xjws need people like you who are fearless in exposing the wt.
Interesting how there is much 'if you don't condemn you condone' from many on this thread, (and one poster in particular).
Yet I read on other threads these same people condemning the JW's while still having family in, they don't condemn them do they?
If you don't condemn you condone......................yeh, right.
dear all (especially those in the uk),.
following on from danny's excellent post here: i have just sent an e-mail to the charities commission.
some time ago i wrote to you about the dangers of jehovah's witnesses and how they don't deserve charity status because far from helping mankind they are a real danger to it.
Perhaps the Charities Commision also needs to be sent the article (or was it a tract?) about 'Theocratic Warfare'.
I don't have one, but it seems important to me that they are made aware of the fact that the JW's WILL lie to them if they consider that the CC 'doesn't need to know'.
i found this website interesting.
they have scans of very old magazines and books, countering jw's beliefs and exposing failures.. thought you all might want to read this..
Thanks for the link Cindi_67, handy to have those scans available.
the greatest work of all time, never to be repeated, is supposedly done by jehovah's witnesses.
of course you know i'm referring to the door to door work they take part in.
so many lives are at stake and your life is dependent on if you "accept the good news" that they preach.. i surely don't believe this anymore.
It seems to me that the witnesses can’t really be interested in the end.
Well Jesus said in the bible that he did not know when the end would come, only God knew, however, he did say that “when the word (some bibles say Good News) has been preached in all the world, then the end will come.”
So, if the witnesses were really eager for the end, they would stop going round and round the same territory (where people have heard the word), and all get off to the places in the world where people have not even heard of the witnesses, never mind the word.
gen 3:22 and jehovah god went on to say: here the man has become like one of us in knowing good and bad, and now in order that he may not put his hand out and actually take [fruit] also from the tree of life and eat and live to time indefinite, nwt
God created the earth for mankind as their home. He created them to Live on it forever.
Mankind, not a man.