Just as plaster and paint cover the imperfections of a wall, so love covers the imperfections of others.—Proverbs 17:9.
‘Whited sepulchres’?
previous topic on cancellation of january "keep on the watch" campaign and contents of page 3 http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/11/147814/1.ashx.
i promised more... here it is.
the brochure attempted to cram everything into a brochure and made such sweeping generalities that would lead to strange conclusions.
i knew what i wrote and have written in the past would trigger a lot of different things in a lot of different people.
sometimes the hardest thing to accept is that what someone says is usually true, even if it's just for them.. as a person grows and learns, they draw conclusions about a great many things, from who god is to what kind of car is the best ever made.
it oversimplifies things, saying it like that, but at the same time, maybe it is perfect.
i knew what i wrote and have written in the past would trigger a lot of different things in a lot of different people.
sometimes the hardest thing to accept is that what someone says is usually true, even if it's just for them.. as a person grows and learns, they draw conclusions about a great many things, from who god is to what kind of car is the best ever made.
it oversimplifies things, saying it like that, but at the same time, maybe it is perfect.
I'll throw out the theist/atheist debate as an example.
The answers aren't easy and semantics cloud the issue, but there is a reality.
Both positions cannot be simultaneously true.
I believe they can.
For example, if 'you' believe in god, then god exists...................for you.
If 'I' don't believe in god, then god doesnt exist.......................for me.
So it just becomes 'you should think as I do' for both parties.
so is this witness mother of my son a glutton for punishment or what ?
to avoid boring you all ( as if this isn't getting a bit redundant already ) i have edited bits and pieces of the best parts of her first e-mail , and his return e-mail, and her last e-mail after his reply so you can see what went down in conversation .
thanks for reading, here is his mom on sunday night .
a consideration of the history of the governing body.
the very first legal governing body of (jehovah's witnesses) bible students were seven persons which included pastor c.t.russell, his wife maria, and his controversial ward, rose ball.
five men and two women.
i just heard this announced last night.
it starts jan 01-08 and i guess more is to come in the future.
you can even have them sent to you automatically when you go online.. all subscribers to cd's are asked to consider cancelling their subscribtions and download.
letter from rutherford.
ok, get this.... .
according to the man that gave this talk, we don't need to worry about whether it was possible for the jonah story to be true (surviving in the stomach of a sea-going animal for three days without dying), it was true because god said it, and that's what proves it to be true.