Interesting (1975)
by searcher 19 Replies latest jw friends
October 8, 1968. I had just turned 7 years old. My parents sold everything they owned, and moved from CA to KY "where the need was greater". We had a car, a trailer, those silver bullet kind, my sister and I. My moms sewing machine, my dad's bike, and a dog and 6 newborn puppies. We drove for days to reach KY. Eating on the side of the road. Sleeping in that little trailer.
I saw my first black person after we moved to KY. Went to my first yardsale. My mom had to go to work to help support our family. We walked to the KH, first in, last to leave. My dad always wore his hair in a DA. I remember him being told that DA stood for duck ass and he had to change his hairstyle, as it was worldly.
I wish I could ask my parents questions about these memories when I remember them. I wonder if he regrets making that trip, with the end being so close. Would that move make up for all he had done before and after? Was he running from something or to something?
Silver bullet trailer.
That's me in the blue sailor dress, and my dad with his DA.
That in a way sums it up for me, listened to what they said and packed up my bags & did witness thing, wife still there. Not all bad though 3 lovely children, and new friends and new life to enjoy. Sad though that they told such blatant lies and I fell for it.
regards llbh
That in a way sums it up for me, listened to what they said and packed up my bags & did witness thing, wife still there. Not all bad though 3 lovely children, and new friends and new life to enjoy. Sad though that they told such blatant lies and I fell for it.
regards llbh
It's great that the internet allows us to keep all this stuff out there, easily accessible. Makes it so much harder for them to hide behind statements like, "Oh, some brothers just read too much into it. It really wasn't that big a deal." What BS!
Lisa, thank you so much for adding the picture. It really says it all. Your parents were demonstrating the attitude that "God's organization" encouraged everyone to have. They were very zealous. We admired such people, as the WT encouraged us to do. We saw people like your parents as the real, hard-core followers of Christ. We started studying in 73 (22 years old), got baptized in 74 (just under the wire). After 75 came and went, there was a strange spirit among the witnesses. Many left. It should have been a wake-up call to us all, but the fact that the vast majority stayed in is a testimony to the power of the mind control. However, the spirit of those who stayed was definitely dampened and field service stats took a nose dive. Being contrarian, I kept thinking, "Jesus said that at the time you don't think it to be, that's when it will happen." So I concluded, we are definitely not expecting it now, 75 came and went. It must be really close. So I started regular auxiliary pioneering in 76, going out most of the time by myself. One thing you cannot take away from your parents is they were true to what they believed. They poured their whole heart into it. Are they still in? All four of you really lived in that tiny box?
One thing you cannot take away from your parents is they were true to what they believed. They poured their whole heart into it. Are they still in? All four of you really lived in that tiny box?
Yes, we lived in there. At every time we stopped, we would have to unpack the trailer so we could get in.
My parents, elderly and sickly, are still in. They still believe, and I am shunned. As are my husband, grown children and grandchildren, that they have never met.
I feel blessed and lucky and very grateful that I didn't bring my children up as JW's. I've learned from the mistates I feel my parents made. And have vowed not to make the same ones with my children.
Thank you for your story, Lisa. My parents moved in '59 from California to South Dakota having the "going where the need is greater" fever and lived on half the budget there than in CA.. then 4 yrs later moved back to CA. JW world was our whole life, and we kids (4 of 5) later pioneered & went to Bethel (late 60's thru 70's). By 70's - 80's, we kids started a re-evaluation of it all, reflecting on our whole story. It was so absurd the WTS denial of responsibility regarding '75, blaming it on the 'brothers'. By early/mid 80's we were out absolutely, even Dad was disfellowshipped for apostasy (Mom had died in '70 of cancer).. We are all grateful that our 15 children between us are all free of JW, with few memories when they were very little, having the normal life of school, sports, college, enjoying life in it stages. So many best wishes to you.
Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
Searcher, great topic and scans, reminds me of the mindless underlining I used to do!
Lisa and Gayle, thanks for sharing your stories. Lisa, thanks for posting your great pics and story, I think they deserve their own topic so all can see!
Thanks for this post. When you put all the information together, is there any doubt that the WTS promoted, initiated, started, began, dreamed up an published the idea of the end of this system in 1975????
How about the statement that Jesus definetely meant a generation of people that would not pass off the scene until the big A? They presumed to say that they were speaking for Jesus.....yet never anything to hint at an apology for their presumptuousness!!!
I hope that this thread is eye-opening to any that may be lurking here and wondering if the little nagging feelings about something being wrong with the WTS are true.
To any that still claim to be die-hard JWs, what in the world do you think of this information? It is definetely from the WT and not "apostate literature."
To Lisa:
My parents, elderly and sickly, are still in. They still believe, and I am shunned. As are my husband, grown children and grandchildren, that they have never met.
Are any of your family still in that are taking care of your parents? Do you hear from them indirectly? They look so nice by the car....doting mom, lovely sad.So utterly sad.........
My parents, elderly and sickly, are still in. They still believe, and I am shunned. As are my husband, grown children and grandchildren, that they have never met.
Too sad for words. This is the true fruitage of Jehovah's Witnesses. The way families are destroyed and forever broken up. How is this any different, in effect, from what the Nazis did to families, other than not physically torturing them and killing them? And all for what purpose? To sustain the illegitimate authority and power of 12 or so weak-minded old men and their supporters. The major regret of my life is having supported such a system zealously for almost three decades. Lisa, you've had pain that no person should ever have to endure. I salute you for coming through it all. Did you come out as a teenager? It must have sickened your parents, but it had to be the best decision you ever made.
Note to lurkers who are still "in": Every day you remain a part of this colossal farce is one more day you have stolen from your life. Take my word for it, you will never get it back.