WTS GLOBAL agenda ...writing letters to Russia !
WTS limited agenda ...A copy of the new ARC recommendations on *Child Protection* SOP, ONLY ON REQUEST and ONLY in Australia !
which one is self serving ?
i had an interesting discussion over the weekend with a coupe of witness on the carts.
i asked them if they put much thought into the rights/wrongs/consequences of writing letters to russia before doing so or did they just do it without thought because the gb asked them to.
one said yes, they would always do what the gb said to do because they completely trusted that the gb would never ask then to do something that is wrong.
WTS GLOBAL agenda ...writing letters to Russia !
WTS limited agenda ...A copy of the new ARC recommendations on *Child Protection* SOP, ONLY ON REQUEST and ONLY in Australia !
which one is self serving ?
(for the record, i’m agnostic who is earnestly seeking an objective, honest and concrete hope for something greater).
“there is evidence of a creator if you just look for it”.
many of us have heard similar sentences from believers regarding proof of creator, proof that their religion is the correct one, proof that their particular sect is the right one, proof that their individual sects interpretation of a certain religious text is the right one, proof that their own personal interpretation of a certain religious text is the right one; the list goes on.. in one of my previous posts, i shared the following thought of mine:.
OP HONESTLY and OBJECTIVELY look at every argument for or against a Creator.
this statement shows you have *consciousness* and *cognitive ability* superior to animals of like body and functions. This (cognitive ability) is an *image of a creative mind* in function. Any ideas how thoughts are formed ?
cheers ;)
see what bridget azaz did!.
WATON : perhaps off-topic contributions
au contraire my friend....the bread and wine symbolize the *substance* of that envisaged (motivational/empowering) LIFE
cheers ;)
some quick background information: my dad (her firstborn son) died unexpectedly this past october.
his death has really hit our family hard.
personally, i have not totally come to terms with this.
condolences on the loss of your father...
some quick background information: my dad (her firstborn son) died unexpectedly this past october.
his death has really hit our family hard.
personally, i have not totally come to terms with this.
A funny storey I hear, was a former catholic man (and his family) converted to Watchtowerism, but in later years he became senile, put up pictures of the Pope in his house and banned all the *evil JWs* coming around to visit .. ...lmao !
see what bridget azaz did!.
Waton says At the last supper, the Anointed abstained, the Earthly Class partook. my, how times have changed.
Another group with class discrimination... ? lol
Genesis does not show God's eternal plan for man and creation. God's eternal plan (before creation) for man's potential is seen in Ephesians 1. psalm 8:5, Hebrews 2:5-18
Man was made to rule His OWN NATURE and his environment, (as a image of God) NOT other people ! romans 8:20-21
the devil is in the details
cheers :0
do the jaydubs follow a different calendar?.
sometimes it is not in line with the jewish celebration and it should be no?.
Chronology was never the Watchtower's forte
see what bridget azaz did!.
WATON says "At the last supper, all the people with an earthly hope"
what scriptural proof do you have for this opinion ?
see what bridget azaz did!.
At one time, in the RCC. only the priests could partake of BOTH bread and wine.
The Watchtower evolved the same way, from a brotherhood to a ecclesiastical power.
1 Cor 10 shows no exclusiveness for baptized believers-
2 and were *ALL* baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea
3 and did *ALL* eat the same spiritual food
4 and did *ALL* drink the same spiritual drink
for they drank of a spiritual rock that followed them- and the rock was Christ
let's review.. the WTS is a cult based on failed end time eschatology
jw special conventions.
who's going?.
are you "special" enough to be chosen?.
Is this like the *Special* olympics ?
only the mentally challenged (blind obedience) need attend ?