It was in the 80's, I was in my early 20's an Irish Roman Catholic. Studies for years with a JW friend at work. Found a local cong. Great bunch of guy, families, great fellowship.
Reluctant at my baptism because of the WTS forumla and *INTO association with the WTS org* but an elder friend and good guy (John May, who later led a revolt against the WTS in NY due to the fall out of Ray Franz disfellowship) reassured me it was may personal decision with Jehovah, nothing else.
JWs members asked how I felt after the *DUNK* and mentioned *circumcision of the heart * I was puzzled with this question considering that was suppose to be for the 144k only. I felt committed, anxious and probably over pious, but I realized some JWs had no idea they were NOT baptised into Christ.
It was not to last long considering the Ray Franz bomb shell, where half the cong. WALKED. Most had already experienced the 1975 crap.
Anyways ...that's my reply to baptism *feelings* and way of introduction of myself to the forum.
cheers :)