No harm would come to the GB members because God would protect his earthly chosen ones.
God is pretty powerful after all.
since leaving the jws the governing body upgraded their status to being the "faithful & discreet slave".
in a sense, the gb declared themselves the 8 popes of wallkill.
absolute, unquestioning loyalty to the gb has become the central belief of the watchtower and declared the only source of salvation for the "great crowd".. the gb has instructed their followers to believe what they say and only believe what they say.
No harm would come to the GB members because God would protect his earthly chosen ones.
God is pretty powerful after all.
maybe someone has already brought this up, but a news article i ran across:.
brings a question to my mind.
There might have been some effect with the door to door work, but obviously they associated together and proceeded on.
if someone comes to you with a knife or a gun, would you defend yourself if you could?
if someone tried to beat you up , would you physically engage, run away or just try to talk the person out of beating you up or robbing you?
if you did have a gun to defend yourself would you shoot to kill or would you simply aim for the ankle to incapacitate the person?
Sadly I would whack the SOB then maybe have some regrets latter.
Human or animal
since leaving the jws the governing body upgraded their status to being the "faithful & discreet slave".
in a sense, the gb declared themselves the 8 popes of wallkill.
absolute, unquestioning loyalty to the gb has become the central belief of the watchtower and declared the only source of salvation for the "great crowd".. the gb has instructed their followers to believe what they say and only believe what they say.
"How can you be sure the replacements filling the void are legitimate if there is no GB to sanction the action?"
Close associated members would go about selecting new GB members, looking for those who are anointed so forth.
No question they would be replaced.
Newly found spirit directed FDSL would be initiated.
After prayer of course.
its been strangely quiet on here lately about covid..or isnt it news any more.
the " not a pandemic" brigade have been noticably absent about the situation in india..
India has a problem within itself because of its high population density and weak under supported health care system for that population.
They are running out of oxygen in these hospitals which has provoked many Covid patients to die when they could have been possibly saved.
its been strangely quiet on here lately about covid..or isnt it news any more.
the " not a pandemic" brigade have been noticably absent about the situation in india..
The " NOT A PANDEMIC" brigade have been noticeably absent
because they have been proven wrong, this virus pandemic has created an enormous amount of ignorance, fear and confusion.
This virus pandemic may not have been as deadly as the Spanish flu or the Black Plague but its certainly has been an annoyance, aggravation and a depression.
By the end of summer or early fall we should have most of the social restrictions lifted.
Thank god or even better higher education for the help.
anyone following the derek chauvin trial?.
if you are actually following it, not just listening to the media, you will likely realize that there is a huge gap between what is going on in court and what is being reported in the media.. if the trial was fair, i think he should be acquitted.
there is plenty of reasonable doubt about the cause of death (his dealer doesn't want to testify because he could be guilty of 3rd degree murder for selling him a fatal amount of fentanyl) and even doubt over whether the officer even had his knee on the guys neck or did anything counter to what they were meant to do as per policy.. but is it fair?
I think Simon was right on the onset in implying this case was going to highly influenced from outside political and social pressure.
The decision and verdict by the jury of intentional murder for the first two charges proves that.
If this was really a fair trial without the enormous outside influence, the last charge of criminal negligence manslaughter would most likely be the only charge levied.
another incredible catch from a you tuber, this time jane doh, who caught watchtower fooling us again, this time over the reasons beth sarim was really built.. of course we knew rutherford lived in beth sarim during the winter (ostensibly because of his poorly chest🙄).
however even we didn't guess he blatantly got the poor jws, or bible students as they were, to cough up from the proceeds of their book sales enough to buy him a "cali-fornication" mansion (for he & the girlfriend😜) with absolutely no pretence (at the time) it was for the "ancient worthies".that came later.... how did she know?
because at the time it was built, in the 1920s, watchtower had no belief that anyone was to live on a "paradise earth" - they had not even formulated the concept of a paradise earth yet for the ancient worthies to live on and believed all jws were to live in heaven.
When Rutherford aggressively took over the Watchtower Corporation he knew he would be immersed in power, privilege and money.......why ?
Because Russell had used him for legal help in acquiring other businesses, so Rutherford had inside information of the held finances of the WTS.
I think Russell didn't even list him as one of the directors of the organization in his will.
The twisting and spinning of doctrines continues on, but always regulated to support the organization and its operations at all costs and I mean all costs $$$
another incredible catch from a you tuber, this time jane doh, who caught watchtower fooling us again, this time over the reasons beth sarim was really built.. of course we knew rutherford lived in beth sarim during the winter (ostensibly because of his poorly chest🙄).
however even we didn't guess he blatantly got the poor jws, or bible students as they were, to cough up from the proceeds of their book sales enough to buy him a "cali-fornication" mansion (for he & the girlfriend😜) with absolutely no pretence (at the time) it was for the "ancient worthies".that came later.... how did she know?
because at the time it was built, in the 1920s, watchtower had no belief that anyone was to live on a "paradise earth" - they had not even formulated the concept of a paradise earth yet for the ancient worthies to live on and believed all jws were to live in heaven.
I think the real behind the curtain agenda of Rutherford deeding the property to the ancient worthies was to established the two proprieties as religious compounds so they wouldn't occur any property taxes.
...and of course living in these lavished appointed homes.
He lived with has mistress when separated from his wife, he had Cadillacs to drive and illegal booze during prohibition.
He lived a life of a crooked hypocritical religious charlatan American style. $$$
This is the spiritual leader, (guided by Jehovah's holy spirit) of the JWS who gave the name to the organization and one the biggest religious con artists that created a religoius institution that still exists today.
God people are stupid.
how long did people worship zeus?
was it longer than christianity's 2000 years?.
most answers say this but they do vary..
My question;
How long will people continue to believe that Jesus will one day come riding in a white horse to render judgment on the whole world?
Christianity spread and was embraced for such a long time not just about the incoming day of judgment but also because of its core principles of love and respect toward one another and the hope of relief of pain and suffering and finally death.
Kind of like teaching statues of social moral guidance, which at the end there was to be an award.
What other god in human history provided these humanistic values to humanity ?.