No I wont, society needs to get back to normalcy before this problem, why remind people of it.
Vaccinations are said to be reliable to counter infection, so that's good enough for me.
We will be seeing some changes this summer.
it seems that some people just aren’t ready to put those masks aside even if they are fully vaccinated!
some can’t help but think their brains aren’t ready for “normal”..
No I wont, society needs to get back to normalcy before this problem, why remind people of it.
Vaccinations are said to be reliable to counter infection, so that's good enough for me.
We will be seeing some changes this summer.
the thread about old timers got me thinking about trends i see with the watchtower.
i've changed my opinion about where the organization stands.
when i joined the religion in 1973 it was dynamic, even the small congregation i attended sent out three or four pioneers.
The WTS/JWorg venture into video presentations or scriptural teachings to sustain the flock is going to be a hit or miss.
Are they going to have a snack bar at the back with intermissions ?
JWS are going to be a high tech religoius cult with everyone carrying around Tablets while watching videos on large monitors at the Halls.
Funny shit really
Kingdom Hall meetings are still going to be ongoing for awhile yet, that you can count on.
i also was intrigued by the russellites and the break away sects that formed before and after charles taze russell.
i can only imagine what the bible students were thinking when rutherford became the next watchtower president..
Didn't Rutherford at one time call the IBSA members who wouldn't follow him who rather wanted to stick to Russell's teachings the Evil Slave ?
One thing one can honestly say about Rutherford he had great balls to call himself the chosen one (FDSL) by god and demonize others who wouldn't accept his professed doctrines .
A false prophet apostate calling other people/organizations the evil slave, how ironic !
the thread about old timers got me thinking about trends i see with the watchtower.
i've changed my opinion about where the organization stands.
when i joined the religion in 1973 it was dynamic, even the small congregation i attended sent out three or four pioneers.
The basic fundamental fact is its harder to bullshit people with religion now days, people are better educated, they are more aware of charismatic religious leaders who make outlandish claims (prophecies) that they use to allure people to their organization, maybe to their literature they are promoting.
the thread about old timers got me thinking about trends i see with the watchtower.
i've changed my opinion about where the organization stands.
when i joined the religion in 1973 it was dynamic, even the small congregation i attended sent out three or four pioneers.
The difference was the "oracle", Fred Franz.
Yup could very well be, he was also the most aggressive corrupt liar the organization ever had past Rutherford .
the thread about old timers got me thinking about trends i see with the watchtower.
i've changed my opinion about where the organization stands.
when i joined the religion in 1973 it was dynamic, even the small congregation i attended sent out three or four pioneers.
When an organization's foundation is built upon pretentious lies, fear, ignorance and corruption and it has structured itself upon that manner, its inevitable that an organization such as this will eventually slowly collapse and disappear.
I think we are " Witnessing " this right now.
i also was intrigued by the russellites and the break away sects that formed before and after charles taze russell.
i can only imagine what the bible students were thinking when rutherford became the next watchtower president..
It becomes easy to be a believer when the proclamations you make are creating money and power for yourself.
Russell and Rutherford were faithful slaves to themselves, their own words, their own teachings, not Jesus's words and teachings.
They were the essential false prophet apostates, the evil slave that the bible warned about and taught not to listen to.
JWs are just people that were lured and coerced by these men for exploitation and manipulation purposes involving the distribution of the literature the WTS published.
i began riding motorcycles in my early teens.
my 1979 honda xl500s became my best friend.
i had a few teenage neighbors and school friends that rode too.
Used to ride 1970's Nortons and Triumphs, haven't owned or ridden one for years now.
They can be both fun and dangerous.
I probably wont return riding one on the road, I think I've gotten it out my system.
i also was intrigued by the russellites and the break away sects that formed before and after charles taze russell.
i can only imagine what the bible students were thinking when rutherford became the next watchtower president..
And as history has shown because Russell dumped his personal money into the WTS. so his wife couldn't claim a portion of it during their divorce so he could retain that money toward himself.
The following scenario of Russell dying and leaving that wealth for other men to grab , introduced J Rutherford a lawyer he used for previous legal business dealings. The rest is history and the foundation of the JWS religion which its core operation throughout the years has been an active religoius publishing house.
The history of the WTS is one of corruption, ignorance and men's own opportunistic endeavors, the true accurate Gospel of Jesus Christ got muddied over and falsely commercialized.
i also was intrigued by the russellites and the break away sects that formed before and after charles taze russell.
i can only imagine what the bible students were thinking when rutherford became the next watchtower president..
Was Russell a charlatan or was he a sincere Pastor?
Charlatan first, sincere Pastor second, a mixture of both, he was captured by other people's theological ideas such as Pyramidology , Dispensational era prophecies.
Through these theological teachings he preached that Christ had returned in 1874.
Something quite attractive thing to sell to the established public bible believers back in the day, which there were many in that era of the US.