Not surprising at all.
Remember when the WTS/Jworg. heads instructed all Congregations to dispose of any written information about members who were expected being involved with child or underage sexual abuse ?
To be honest I hear they are now going to accept the redress scheme in Australia after refusing to do so.
Off the letter .......
The group told the Redress Scheme that JW had:• remained silent in relation to the Redress Scheme,• refused to join the Redress Scheme,• refused to meet with survivors,• shunned child abuse victims within their own religion,• refused to say sorry for holding the statistical record for having the most child abuse victims per membershipnumber of all institutions within Australia,• refuse to adopt any Royal Commission recommendations;They have called for a raft of recommendations including:· the tax concessions be revoked for all charitable status of all the JW related charities;· a compliance audit for all JW members and entities working with children;· implement a redress scheme to pay abuse claimants and then pursue institutions for payment;· the JW organisations be subject to scrutiny, audit and investigation by ASIC, the ACNC, the AFP, and other federalor state law enforcement agencies.