It seems like you right wing conspiracy theorists pull information out your asses then say to everyone else you don't know the truth like we do.
Self confirmation idiocy is what it is.
Good grief
dr. leanna wen is currently spreading the fallacy that unvaccinated persons should have vaccines mandated because they are like drunk drivers… they have the right to be drunk at home she says, but wanting to be part of society at large without being vaccinated is like driving drunk and putting others at risk.
besides ignoring the science proving that persons who have had sars cov-2 have natural immunity that equals or exceeds anything that could be imparted from the mrna shot, without the side effects or need for boosters, ( sorry big pharma, you’ll be losing $$$ ) this illustration just smacks of illogical reasoning.
it reminds me of the borg comparing getting baptized to getting your driver’s license.
It seems like you right wing conspiracy theorists pull information out your asses then say to everyone else you don't know the truth like we do.
Self confirmation idiocy is what it is.
Good grief
dr. leanna wen is currently spreading the fallacy that unvaccinated persons should have vaccines mandated because they are like drunk drivers… they have the right to be drunk at home she says, but wanting to be part of society at large without being vaccinated is like driving drunk and putting others at risk.
besides ignoring the science proving that persons who have had sars cov-2 have natural immunity that equals or exceeds anything that could be imparted from the mrna shot, without the side effects or need for boosters, ( sorry big pharma, you’ll be losing $$$ ) this illustration just smacks of illogical reasoning.
it reminds me of the borg comparing getting baptized to getting your driver’s license.
So why did the drug manufacture of Ivermectin say their drug should not be used except in clinical trials ?
I know Big Farma shut them down with big money pay offs, they knew the drug was exponentially effective but they wanted other drug companies and their drugs to flourish making them rich.
Dam that Big Farma !
this is nothing but illegal.
telling people that they can not evict a dead beat renter for not paying rent while the land owner has to pay for repairs, insurance, taxes and a mortgage is such a private property grab.
any one who votes for these assholes is a total idiot.
Have you guys ever considered creating your own political party ?
You could call it the Right Wing Nutter party ... the RWN
this is nothing but illegal.
telling people that they can not evict a dead beat renter for not paying rent while the land owner has to pay for repairs, insurance, taxes and a mortgage is such a private property grab.
any one who votes for these assholes is a total idiot.
Mick your so full of human empathy and compassion.
The instituted no eviction law came into play because of the virus pandemic which shut down many businesses, which put a lot of people out of work, which meant many people couldn't pay their rent.
Now that social restrictions are being lifted and bushiness can resume their activity, people should be back to work and responsibly start paying their rent.
This situation started upon unusual circumstances but now is the time to return to normal rental tenant laws .
The free ride via the government is over.
dr. leanna wen is currently spreading the fallacy that unvaccinated persons should have vaccines mandated because they are like drunk drivers… they have the right to be drunk at home she says, but wanting to be part of society at large without being vaccinated is like driving drunk and putting others at risk.
besides ignoring the science proving that persons who have had sars cov-2 have natural immunity that equals or exceeds anything that could be imparted from the mrna shot, without the side effects or need for boosters, ( sorry big pharma, you’ll be losing $$$ ) this illustration just smacks of illogical reasoning.
it reminds me of the borg comparing getting baptized to getting your driver’s license.
The same holds true for Ivermectin and HCQ, and other methods of stopping Covid-19 from progressing to the point where hospitalization becomes necessary.
What makes you think that these drugs weren't considered or investigated into in the thousands of hospitals in North America for example. ?
You pulled some info off a web site calling this or that drug could save people's lives and there wouldn't be a need for ICU hospital care if these drugs were used but failed to produce positive overwhelming evidence to prove your point..
...and you wonder why I mocked you calling you an informed virologist /specialist. ???
You say its all because of a controlling money making conspiracy orchestrated by Big Farma
I say your a conspiracy nutter
anybody watching the olympics here?
bodies perfected, minds steeled against pain?
amazing performances in sailing, running, jumping, throwing.
I enjoy watching the Olympics (some), I think its astonishing to what can be done with the human body with some training.
Its mostly a contest of human genetics when you think about it.
I was a long distance runner in my 20's
I also think about how I'm out of shape I am in comparison to those athletes, while I sip on my cold beer and chomp on my pizza.
I think I better go for a brisk walk
dr. leanna wen is currently spreading the fallacy that unvaccinated persons should have vaccines mandated because they are like drunk drivers… they have the right to be drunk at home she says, but wanting to be part of society at large without being vaccinated is like driving drunk and putting others at risk.
besides ignoring the science proving that persons who have had sars cov-2 have natural immunity that equals or exceeds anything that could be imparted from the mrna shot, without the side effects or need for boosters, ( sorry big pharma, you’ll be losing $$$ ) this illustration just smacks of illogical reasoning.
it reminds me of the borg comparing getting baptized to getting your driver’s license.
It’s sad that she doesn’t know who to blame
Oh I'm sure she knows who to blame like high profile politicians propagating misinformation such as the public doesn't need social restrictions and mask wearing , the Dumpster to name one.
The Republican held states who took the Dumpster's advise and suggestions are in trouble now, more deaths to add to the list ....... Great
dr. leanna wen is currently spreading the fallacy that unvaccinated persons should have vaccines mandated because they are like drunk drivers… they have the right to be drunk at home she says, but wanting to be part of society at large without being vaccinated is like driving drunk and putting others at risk.
besides ignoring the science proving that persons who have had sars cov-2 have natural immunity that equals or exceeds anything that could be imparted from the mrna shot, without the side effects or need for boosters, ( sorry big pharma, you’ll be losing $$$ ) this illustration just smacks of illogical reasoning.
it reminds me of the borg comparing getting baptized to getting your driver’s license.
Sure there were people that got rich with the products they made and sold fighting this virus but the point is what was the best approach or action to the situation and what available drugs could have been used .
Keep in mind there are stronger more contagious variants of the virus out and about now .
What if the drug Ivermectin was very effective in lessening the symptoms of Covid and it was bought, sold and distributed world wide, would not the owners of that company becomes instant millionaires ?
Trying to discredit companies and their products just because those companies and its owners became rich overnight is being a bit intellectually dishonest is it not ?
dr. leanna wen is currently spreading the fallacy that unvaccinated persons should have vaccines mandated because they are like drunk drivers… they have the right to be drunk at home she says, but wanting to be part of society at large without being vaccinated is like driving drunk and putting others at risk.
besides ignoring the science proving that persons who have had sars cov-2 have natural immunity that equals or exceeds anything that could be imparted from the mrna shot, without the side effects or need for boosters, ( sorry big pharma, you’ll be losing $$$ ) this illustration just smacks of illogical reasoning.
it reminds me of the borg comparing getting baptized to getting your driver’s license.
Interesting article by a doctor who has been treating patients in a ICU for over a year.....
Thanh Neville, M.D., M.S.H.S.Guest Writer
“We can’t let COVID win.”
This was my colleague’s mantra when the pandemic started last year. And for the almost 18 months since, health care workers have rallied to the battlefields, even at times when we had no weapons to brandish.
We took care of the infected and the critically ill when no one else would. We reused N95 masks, carefully placing them in labeled brown paper bags in between shifts. We witnessed lonely deaths and held up iPads for families to say their heartbreaking goodbyes. We created elaborate backup schedules and neglected our personal lives. We stepped up during surges and when our colleagues fell ill. Camaraderie in the ICU had never been stronger because we recognized that this was a team effort and all of humanity was battling against a common enemy.
But as health care workers, we also were painfully aware of our own vulnerabilities. We can run out of ICU resources for our patients. We can run out of personal protective equipment for ourselves. We can be exposed on the job and get sick. And we can die — many of us did, more than 3,600 from COVID-19 in the first year.
Many of us quarantined away from our families to protect the ones we love. We counted the risk factors of our children, our elderly parents, our spouses, and came up with our own formulas to decide whether to come home at the end of the shift or hole up in a hotel room. One of our ICU directors wrote and rewrote our COVID-19 clinical guidelines to keep up with the evolving literature and somehow she carved out the time to write her own will.
I worked daily to adapt our end-of-life program to the changing needs and restrictions of the pandemic and signed up for a vaccine clinical trial as soon as one became available. I also updated my own advance directive and printed it out for my husband, just in case.Then, effective vaccines became widely available in the U.S. — I briefly saw light at the end of the tunnel. The number of patients with COVID-19 in ICUs across the country plummeted. It looked like our sacrifices and commitment as health care workers had paid off. We believed herd immunity could become a reality and we could return to some sense of normalcy.
I am angry that the tragic scenes of prior surges are being played out yet again, but now with ICUs primarily filled with patients who have chosen not to be vaccinated. I am angry that it takes me over an hour to explain to an anti-vaxxer full of misinformation that intubation isn’t what “kills patients” and that their wish for chest compressions without intubation in the event of a respiratory arrest makes no sense. I am angry at those who refuse to wear “muzzles” when grocery shopping for half an hour a week, as I have been so-called “muzzled” for much of the past 18 months.
I cannot understand the simultaneous decision to not get vaccinated and the demand to end the restrictions imposed by a pandemic. I cannot help but recoil as if I’ve been slapped in the face when my ICU patient tells me they didn’t get vaccinated because they “just didn’t get around to it.” Although such individuals do not consider themselves anti-vaxxers, their inaction itself is a decision — a decision to not protect themselves or their families, to fill a precious ICU bed, to let new variants flourish, and to endanger the health care workers and immunosuppressed people around them. Their inaction is a decision to let this pandemic continue to rage.
I am at a loss to understand how anyone can look at these past months of the pandemic — more than 600,000 lives lost in the U.S. and more than 4 million worldwide — and not believe it’s real or take it seriously.
And meanwhile, immunocompromised people, for whom vaccines don’t generate much immunity, are desperately waiting for herd immunity. I have no way to comfort my rightfully outraged transplant patients who contracted COVID-19 after isolating for over a year and getting fully vaccinated as soon as they could. With angry tears, these patients tell me it’s not fair that there are people who are choosing to endanger both themselves and the vulnerable people around them. They feel betrayed by their fellow citizens and they are bitter and angry. I cannot blame them.
I am at a loss to understand how anyone can look at these past months of the pandemic — more than 600,000 lives lost in the U.S. and more than 4 million worldwide — and not believe it’s real or take it seriously. But the unhappy truth is that there are people who do not. They did not in the beginning and many are doubling down now.
I thought when this pandemic began that we were all in this fight together, engaged in a war against a common enemy. Now, I painfully realize: Perhaps we were never on the same side and we never had a common enemy. Perhaps the war has been among ourselves all along. We have won many battles but unvaccinated America is choosing to let COVID win the war.
Thanh Neville, M.D., M.S.H.S., is an ICU physician and researcher at UCLA Health. She is also the medical director of the UCLA 3 Wishes Program (an end-of-life program in which clinicians elicit and implement final wishes for dying patients and their families).dr. leanna wen is currently spreading the fallacy that unvaccinated persons should have vaccines mandated because they are like drunk drivers… they have the right to be drunk at home she says, but wanting to be part of society at large without being vaccinated is like driving drunk and putting others at risk.
besides ignoring the science proving that persons who have had sars cov-2 have natural immunity that equals or exceeds anything that could be imparted from the mrna shot, without the side effects or need for boosters, ( sorry big pharma, you’ll be losing $$$ ) this illustration just smacks of illogical reasoning.
it reminds me of the borg comparing getting baptized to getting your driver’s license.
Unvaccinated = Drunk Driving
Yes, or No?
Nonsensical analogy in my opinion
The unvaccinated are damaging themselves more.
You would have to honesty admit that new information comes out constantly about this virus every day which makes keeping up extremely difficult.
The question one might ask are these preventive curing drugs as effective in stopping or blocking severe symptoms of the virus as vaccinations are capable of ?