Sam Herd's use of making the suggestion that because woman brains are smaller than men's brains, woman therefor have less intelligence, is demeaning and nonfactual.
The fact that this guy said that tells and reveals the truth about his own apparent intelligence or adherence to intellectual honesty.
I've known and met certain woman that were heads above of intelligence of what this guy has and other GB men such as Steven Lett or Anthony Morris to name a few.
All or most of the major tests commonly used to measure intelligence have been constructed so that there are no overall score differences between males and females. Thus, there is little difference between the average IQ scores of men and women.
Religion many times is used to empower men so they have power and control over others in a socialized environment.
The ancient Hebrew god Yahweh was a male god so the ancient Hebrews propagated that males have predominance over females and they should be subjective to males and their positional authority, particularly so when the said spiritual connection from this god was through their designated male high priests.