JoinedPosts by Rocketman123
Joe Biden Scores Whopping 85 Percent Approval Among Those Who Watched Address to Congress
by Disillusioned JW insee the article called just in: joe biden scores whopping 85 percent approval among those who watched address to congress .
i sure was impressed with it when i saw it..
I dont know why all JWS are afraid of catching the Coivid virus, Jehovah has always protected his chosen earthly organization and its people in the past.
But then again he may not fully protect those who haven't put in any hours of service recently, deeming them spiritually weak and unloyal..
by pistolpete inthis is not mine, and i check and didn't see me posting it in the past, but it’s appropriate with what covid did to the door to door preaching work.. considering we are living in the last days, and everlasting life is at stake……….
and the only means of salvation ------is the preaching work……... why would jehovah allow door to door preaching to stop for a whole year-----maybe longer?????.
all jehovah’s witnesses never noticed how dumb the door to door preaching work actually is.. jehovah is the greatest emergency responder.
Or maybe mankind's enduring plights like this recent virus pandemic its just laws of nature and Jehovah is just fictional ancient mythology ?
The WTS has exploited mankind's perils to draw attention to its literature publications for over 100 years, exploiting fear and ignorance to their means, then say we the have cure to are woes, Jesus Christ via Yahweh .
Let it be said just because someone says things to make us feel better doesn't necessarily make their spoken words to be true.
The WTS has been a financial success story in religious charlatanism.
Still people conjure up what they desire and want to believe, some actually make a lot money and power by doing free I might add.
Drastic Upcoming Changes? (accelerated by the pandemic)
by JWTom ingood to see you again!
much discussion now about the fallout that is coming due to impacts of the pandemic combined with the long-term downward spiral of
i am active as a pimo and my wife is pimi....much of our personal conversation and conversation with others in jw land focuses on how things will play out for in the next 12-24 months.
Since the WTS/JWorg GB heads are exploiting this pandemic thing to its fullest, they will change their tune once social restrictions are lifted.
.......count on it !
" Well brothers and sisters the Kingdom work has to continue
Jah is counting on us "
Drastic Upcoming Changes? (accelerated by the pandemic)
by JWTom ingood to see you again!
much discussion now about the fallout that is coming due to impacts of the pandemic combined with the long-term downward spiral of
i am active as a pimo and my wife is pimi....much of our personal conversation and conversation with others in jw land focuses on how things will play out for in the next 12-24 months.
You have to keep faking it. What the Org doesn't know wouldn't hurt it
Thats valid point, I bet since your typical JWs hasn't had much personal contact with other JWS such as elders, one can expect there are many doing things intentionally out of sight.
We all know how elders like to examine and scrutinize people particularly at Kingdom Halls. right ?
Development of a False Prophecy
by Ding inbased on wt history of repeated false prophecies, here is the way these things seem to develop:.
1. someone connects unrelated bible verses and comes up with a date for the end.. 2. this date is "confirmed" by outside information, such as pyramid measurements.. 3. they share this "hidden knowledge" with others.. 4. they develop a following of people who are excited to be the only ones on earth who understand "the deep things of god.".
5. they promote the date.. 6. people laugh them to scorn.. 7. the faithful cry "persecution" and wait expectantly.. 8. as the date approaches, they get more and more excited.. 9. when the date is imminent, leaders get worried and start to hedge their bets through cautionary language.. 10. when the date comes and goes, they come up with some explanation (adam-eve creation gap, no year 0, etc.
The fact is the JW religion as it began and grew is without doubt a false religion created by certain men who were inspired and driven to establish and create their own "Almighty" power and personal stature.
Add in the fact that these men were also in control of a huge amount of money $$$ as they still are today, they are essentially living in the own Kingdom by their own personal endeavors and work.
They have over 8 million subjects to back them up.
Drastic Upcoming Changes? (accelerated by the pandemic)
by JWTom ingood to see you again!
much discussion now about the fallout that is coming due to impacts of the pandemic combined with the long-term downward spiral of
i am active as a pimo and my wife is pimi....much of our personal conversation and conversation with others in jw land focuses on how things will play out for in the next 12-24 months.
You know that would be funny if they became an exclusive inter net only religion doing away with Kingdom Halls, all meetings are done online by the JWorg video production HQ etc.
Are the top dog leaders of the organization crazy or stupid enough to do that is doubtful though.
I suspect the Kingdom Hall meetings will remain once the social restrictions are lifted.
There will no doubt be some kind of changes that are going to happen but dont overly speculative.
Development of a False Prophecy
by Ding inbased on wt history of repeated false prophecies, here is the way these things seem to develop:.
1. someone connects unrelated bible verses and comes up with a date for the end.. 2. this date is "confirmed" by outside information, such as pyramid measurements.. 3. they share this "hidden knowledge" with others.. 4. they develop a following of people who are excited to be the only ones on earth who understand "the deep things of god.".
5. they promote the date.. 6. people laugh them to scorn.. 7. the faithful cry "persecution" and wait expectantly.. 8. as the date approaches, they get more and more excited.. 9. when the date is imminent, leaders get worried and start to hedge their bets through cautionary language.. 10. when the date comes and goes, they come up with some explanation (adam-eve creation gap, no year 0, etc.
One cant be dismissive to the fact that these identfing religious teachers were also executive directors and owners of their own publishing companies such as C T Russell and Zion's Watchtower.
This must have played a partition redeeming role in the doctrines they tried to proliferate.
Which took more importance is up to one's own personal evaluation and acceptance.
Development of a False Prophecy
by Ding inbased on wt history of repeated false prophecies, here is the way these things seem to develop:.
1. someone connects unrelated bible verses and comes up with a date for the end.. 2. this date is "confirmed" by outside information, such as pyramid measurements.. 3. they share this "hidden knowledge" with others.. 4. they develop a following of people who are excited to be the only ones on earth who understand "the deep things of god.".
5. they promote the date.. 6. people laugh them to scorn.. 7. the faithful cry "persecution" and wait expectantly.. 8. as the date approaches, they get more and more excited.. 9. when the date is imminent, leaders get worried and start to hedge their bets through cautionary language.. 10. when the date comes and goes, they come up with some explanation (adam-eve creation gap, no year 0, etc.
Good explanation there Ding
To really get the core understanding to why these endeavors happened by the leaders of the WTS. one should review what, why and how these prolific bible teachers taught and preached going back to their beginning of the late 1800's.
Belief in Christ's personal return to set up his earthly kingdom—premillennialism—has always claimed adherents, but few people in the mid-1800s imagined it would attract more than a handful.
Yet by 1875 a new kind of premillennialists called dispensationalism began to spread. Given the embarrassing recent history of premillennialism in the United States (see the story of the Millerites, page 31), its revival was nothing less than amazing.
The new premillennialism came to the United States following the Civil War, after flourishing in Britain among the Plymouth Brethren. One of the Brethren's most gifted teachers was John Nelson Darby (1800-1882), a former priest in the Anglican Church of Ireland, who developed a new variety of futurist premillennialism. He called it dispensationalism, after the division of history into dispensations or eras.
"These periods are marked off in Scripture by some change in God's method of dealing with mankind, in respect to two questions: of sin, and of man's responsibility," explained C. I. Scofield, who popularized Darby's system in America. "Each of the dispensations may be regarded as a new test of the natural man, and each ends in judgment—marking his utter failure in every dispensation."
Dispensationalists quibbled over the number and names of the dispensations, but most American dispensationalists followed Scofield's seven-fold scheme: Innocency (before the Fall), Conscience (Fall to the Flood), Human Government, Promise (Abraham to Moses), Law (Moses to Christ), Grace (the church age), and Kingdom (the millennium).
There was nothing especially radical about dividing history into periods. What separated dispensationalists from everybody else was their novel method of biblical interpretation.
Covid 19 True Infection Rate / Proof of Misinformation
by Simon inthis is interesting.. you've probably heard of "asymptomatic spread" which is, people who are infected with the virus and are spreading it, but who have no symptoms.. but is it accurate?
is it supported by the statistics?.
this video analyses the facts and concludes that we've been given misinformation due to faulty testing.
Something to put into consideration is what if the governments didn't impose social restrictions of any kind, what would be the end result ?