I cant wait for the JWorg. Academy Award show, should be interesting.
" And for best actor in a support role is ??? "
i'm actually looking forward to their warped view of matthew, mark, luke and john for this.
the drama from 2015 wasn't that bad.
however.... yeah steven lett mentions othe films about jesu are plagued with false religion.
I cant wait for the JWorg. Academy Award show, should be interesting.
" And for best actor in a support role is ??? "
hopefully i’m doing this right and it will display for you.
this is an interview with michael yeadon, former vice president and chief science officer of pfizer.
of course he has been attacked, slandered, shunned, ect, and this will never be allowed on social media, but he has taken the time to appear in an unpaid interview.
Its easy criticize other people's actions when you yourself aren't put into a position of responsibility.
Here's a question to ponder ....
How would you personally feel DD if you acquired the virus and while having it you got into close contact with someone who also produced severe symptoms but they unfortunately died ?
Would you still have the same position about social restrictions, masks and to a further extent vaccines ?
the new york times as well as other news agencies are reporting that in order to help save the planet we should limit our daily bathing.
they say daily bathing really because popular in the 20th century because elites decided to impress and use petroleum based soaps and take advantage of their indoor plumbing.
a lot of this daily bathing ritual was just for show.
What about saving us from the bad BO and stink ?
There are lot of benefits of bathing and not just about cleansing the skin and unpleasant odors, such as breathing in steam to help cleanse are lungs, warm bath help to calm are nerves helping us to rest and sleep better too.
There are viruses and bacteria that attach to are skins that can be washed away as well.
from a theological and biblical perspective, this has to be asked and critically examined.. the doctrines this organization and its self described fdsl (gb) chosen ones has preached and taught have now more than ever have shown to be false teachings.. the bible warns of false prophets and those who say things that god has not given them to say but the wts from its earliest beginning made proclamations such as jesus's return in 1874.. so if one were to faithfully adhere to what the bible says and more so jesus's instructions for preaching his gospel of a new kingdom to come, who really are jws loyal to, the wts.
and its top leading men or jesus and jehovah ??
Just to simplify things a little the JWS religion was created by devious, lying and corrupt leaders/directors of a religious publishing organization the WTS.
True Christianity by adherence to the bible was not in their original intent.
Lets get those numbers up brothers and sisters Jah is reviewing are dedication and loyalty!
"if you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things.
because all the evidence in fulfillment of bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few years... therefore, as a young person, you will never fulfill any career that this system offers.
Sorry Magnum that you got so immersed into the WTS and its corruption.
One thing that's worth noting is the GB men who run this organization have got a permanent life time job which guarantees them health and welfare, travel around the world and treated like a celebrities signing books and bibles.
They also have their hands on billions of dollars in assets the WTS/JWorg. holds.
Do you think there aren't men in the organization that wouldn't like to get that position ?
Do you think these men (GB) are not going to try to keep the position active to themselves ?.
All they have to do is sit their office and regurgitate what has built up the organization in the past, possibly revising things a little, its all there for them scripted out.
The answer to those questions should be obvious.
here is an interesting discussion about how christianity probably began.
hierarchical political interest may have been involved.
Rutherford got involved with the IBSA out of personal interest and he became deeper involved with Russell when he choose him to do some legal work representing him and the WTS.
One should keep in mind that the IBSA then was making bold proclamations that Christ has returned plastered on the front page of the Watchtower.
When he eventually took control over the WTS he made himself into a crooked self serving religious charlatan and used the money for himself that Russell had left in the WTS.
I guess you could say he could see the advantage and opportunity for himself, the power, control and money was all there.
"if you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things.
because all the evidence in fulfillment of bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few years... therefore, as a young person, you will never fulfill any career that this system offers.
The Watchtower Corporation with its adjoined subservient members the JWS are the epitome of apostasy in are modern era.
They are also false religion, false prophets warned about listening to and following in the bible itself.
he’s really implementing the democrats agenda!
he’s wasting no time !.
I lean to more conservative politics than liberal and I'm a ex-jws atheist .
I support politicians that present purposeful and helpful polcies to the greater public, done so with compassion, honesty and intelligence.
I dont support politicians that are deceitful, lying, unintelligent and corrupt who make polices strictly for small interest groups which are not generally good for the greater population as a whole.
I had that from the leaders of the JWS religion, so I have an innate conscious awareness about these people and their actions.
hopefully i’m doing this right and it will display for you.
this is an interview with michael yeadon, former vice president and chief science officer of pfizer.
of course he has been attacked, slandered, shunned, ect, and this will never be allowed on social media, but he has taken the time to appear in an unpaid interview.
Those dam governments impose social restrictions so the Covid virus wouldn't spread as much effecting people who some actually die ....... Dam them
how many accounts of the bibles use of excesses can you recall ?
i will start off with a favourit of mine.. the inauguration of solomons temple and the sacrifices offered .2chron.7 :4-5 , 22,000 cattle and 120,000 sheep ?
The bible writers bullshitted for emphasis and self glorification about many things even about their select god
......ummm that's some good righteous bullshit