Does someone here know of a case where an individual was dfd
and then appealed and the decision was reversed? I have never
heard of that before and was just curious.
does someone here know of a case where an individual was dfd.
and then appealed and the decision was reversed?
heard of that before and was just curious.
Does someone here know of a case where an individual was dfd
and then appealed and the decision was reversed? I have never
heard of that before and was just curious.
when i was a young child, i remember there being a small break between the meetings.
you could get up, walk around, associate, and then go back in for the second half.
at some point, they changed it to where there was just the song.
Yes they had breaks before the 1970s, because in the old days,
that talk might last from 1-- 3hrs depending on the speaker.
They would break for lunch, then do the W T study, which might
last 2 hrs plus it was up to the conductor.
Early 50s this was changed, things had to be more organized,
more structured,toe the JW line, become robots, everyone doing
the same thing, same time,
Then the breaks were 15 minutes, I went outside to smoke,
along with the congration severant, as they were called then.
Those were the days,-------------Thank God they are gone----------
well....sort of......... i've learnt so much from you people since i found this site.
it's literally been a godsend and has confirmed every nagging doubt i've had since my introduction to dubism.
looking forward to another year of delightfully "spiritual nourishment" from you all.. hint...hint....... <---------------------------------
Well HAPPY BIRTHDAY to both of you
It is so nice being out of that organization that is so far
off the wall, with their propganda of what the bible says.
There is some really good post' today about the 1874------- 1914
bull, it's really worth reading.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All- time favorite
Sanford & son
hi friends, my father died saturday morning.
i want to happily say that i sent my dad a print-out of some of your key material re;org, last week and he read it all...witnesses were 'on his back' lately, and he appreciated it.
keep up the positive is so important..i wanted to write more, but i guess i'm in shock 'cause i just can't do it...thanks to all of you for your support and help with all the stuff that i've been on the board about..peace and love to all of you and your families..nk
(((((((((((( Nancy ))))))))))))
What a sad time for you, my prayers are being sent.
i have already gotten an email from someone stating that their gift arrived safely in the mail.
i thought it would be nice to start a thread where we can post what we got (for those nosey like me who want to know!
) and a thank you.. as for me, i haven't even begun yet!
Oh nilfun I'm so glad you liked your present !!!!!!!!
and that it arrived safely.
I liked the song,
Thank you ----- Merry Christmas
i have already gotten an email from someone stating that their gift arrived safely in the mail.
i thought it would be nice to start a thread where we can post what we got (for those nosey like me who want to know!
) and a thank you.. as for me, i haven't even begun yet!
The gift I sent to my person, Airborne Express will go to their
local post office, it may be picked up there.
I did not have street # or rural delivery route #
only p o box it will be there Tuesday for pick up I promise.
Hope she likes it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
click here: christmas_house.swf
have a joyous christmas.
love, robyn
How thoughtful of you Robdar !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Merry Christmas to you also.
Thanks Searchin50
thank you for your encouragement.
i was so impressed when my wife called and told me i was mentioned on the jwd thread "who are the smartest posters here". i felt bad for the truly smart posters on the board who were linked in any way with the likes of me, and disappointed that not enough credit was given to those as oldhippy, janh, norm, kent, hilarystep, larc, pathofthorns, jt, and hawkaw all who should have been listed near the top with the others identified.
I enjoy reading here most every day, for awhile.There is a lot of care & concern
displayed here. However I didn't come here because of a healing process.
Healing from cult addiction was never my bag, thats why I never allowed myself,
to become completely brainwashed, to their man made ideas of how one might
get to heaven or hell for that matter, although I put on a pretty good pretense for
the sake of family & friends for many years.
My heart goes out to the ones that are hurting, I feel great sorrow for you.
My real reason for coming here was to see just what others thought of
this JW entrapment,it is such a shame they are not truthful up front.
But then if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is.
I love you all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
one of my favorites .
if we make it through december,.
if we make it through december,.
He Stopped Loving Her Today------- George Jones Best Oldie
Gettin There --------- Redd Skyy Best Newbie