Thank you for your encouragement. I was so impressed when my wife called and told me I was mentioned on the JWD thread "Who are the smartest posters Here". I felt bad for the truly smart posters on the board who were linked in any way with the likes of me, and disappointed that not enough credit was given to those as Oldhippy, JanH, Norm, Kent, Hilarystep, larc, Pathofthorns, JT, and Hawkaw all who should have been listed near the top with the others identified. Then I found "The most caring poster" thread and was elated to find my wife mention early and often, then surprised to see myself listed a few times. (Joy is truly the caring one and invests much time in her efforts to help others. Perhaps I was listed simply for my association with Joy2bfree) Nevertheless, the thought that I was mentioned too as a CARING PERSON made me pour a stiff drink and go out on the deck to cry a little. It is such a privilege for Joy and I to be identified at this time as caring people because of what is coming down on us lately. We will up-date you on this when it is over. But we have all been helped by so many I am concerned, though, that many who have been caring for others for decades, while I was still pushing 'door to door' service and sitting on judicial committees trashing the lives of weak and confused people, were not mentioned. Perhaps because few of the newer ones realize what these people have invested over decades of 'caring' there are many who should be thanked. Many work behind the scenes with email and phone calls. Surely this is the only reason I was mentioned as caring because most hear probably responded by asking "who is Jst2laws". People like Farkel, AllenF, Ozzie, Eman, Mommy, Waiting, Billygoat (we have adopted since), Mulan, LDH and Safe4kids and several others are at the top of my list because of the personal encouragement I received from them. I recently received personal and private encouragement from Hawkaw. Many of these have been out for many years ( or never even in) and still come here, not for what they get, but for what they can give. Appreciation So I thought it would be good to bring up a thread that does not require us to JUDGE who is 'smart' or who is the most caring, but who do we APPRECIATE. Please try to remember those who have been here for ever and maybe do not post much (or at all) because they have invested enough and perhaps are moving on with their lives, which should be the goal of all. So what do you think? Who has helped you? Who's comments, possibly un-noticed, made an impact on you? And to any who keep coming looking for a chance to say something encouraging, don't loose confidence. Keep commenting. Your love has already or will help someone. Jst2laws
Who has HELPED YOU grow?
by jst2laws 45 Replies latest jw friends
What the he!!, another "WHO" thread???
ok, if you must know, <sigh>
Who has HELPED YOU grow?
Jst2 for cracking the jdub shell I had!
many, many posters here for letting me read their experiences, who shared themselves to help me see what I had been in and how to deal with the deprogramming.
I have more true friends now than I ever had while being a good little jw.
Thank you one and all.
Oldhippy, JanH, Norm, Kent, Hilarystep, larc, Pathofthorns, JT, and Hawkaw
One of these is not like the others. LOL, sorry old hippy, I've known you since witnet days, and you may not be dumb, but you sure are slow when it comes to the difference between right and wrong. I only say so because I care. What you are doing get done more quickly.
jst2, I like your aproach here. As you've shown in the teaching parable I quoted above , the "smart" thread is really more about emotions , but it is at least not the sort of thing that should hurt anyones feelings. I was actually hurt by not being at least put on Mega's list in the caring thread, given what he knows about me . Whoops, there goes my christ complex talking again.
All kidding aside, it's interesting to think that the "caring" thread, while it included admonition from some that listing something like "who's most caring" can hurt, was still filled with comments by folks who simply didn't care enough to be silent.
I've been needing to make a post giving credit where credit is due, and it will certainly include some of the names you mentioned. I'll revisit this thread when I've made prose of my praise.
I tend to refrain from contributing serious, or heartfelt posts...that's just my nature, but this question...........who has helped me grow?, I must respond to.
There is a gentle creature, kind and caring, who roams this board offering love and encouragement, insight and knowledge. She is one of the brightest people I've ever met, and one of the kindest. She has helped lead me back to paths that I'd thought I,d never walk again by her simple caring and urging. She is unique, misunderstood by a few, but appreciated by the many, and rightfully so! I am proud to call her my trusted friend. I'd like to emphasize the word proud! There is certainly nothing special about me, but still she graces me with her friendship and encouragement . I consider myself truly blessed, and much wholer for having known her. She's been through alot lately, and certainly deserves much better.
Thank you Xenawarrior for being a friend to me and so many others. You are most special!
Forever yer friend
Edited by - mac on 13 December 2002 5:31:50
SixofNine ,
How could I overlook you Six as well as Lilacs, Amaziing, Rationalwitness, Derick (Rick from H2O). Then what about somebody and Zev.
You know, now that I have looked closer at the other threads I mentioned above I regret starting this again. My hope was to not overlook the posters of history as well as the quiet and timid posters who muster up enough courage to type a response and hit the post button.
I want to say thanks to everyone here for contributing their thought or thoughts whatever it was. I am so glad the flame wars seem to have subsided and we can focus on each others needs instead of faults.
That is what I was hoping for. Thanks for your comment and
Thanks for being a friend to many others.
I've been thinkin about this lately coming up on a year since I've found this site and the 'truth' about the organization. Theres really been so many people that have reached out and helped me since then. Emotionally, spiritually, financially, in every way they helped contribute to giving me my life back after it was stolen by the wicked organization of JW's.
People who probably dont even realize that something they have said or done has made an impact on me in such a big way. I wish I could personally thank ALL the people that took the time to respond to a post or send me an email or call me on the phone.
Heres my weak attempt at acknowledging some of those who have helped me although I know I will forget someone very important. I'm only mentioning those I have personally spoken to because there isnt enough space to name the thousands of ex witnesses who have impacted my life.
So thanks to those I have spoken to on the phone or in person or in email or in instant messanger or through posts.....especially...
Mouthy, 144001, Lilacs, Joy, Jst2, Hyghlandyr, Gopher, Reborn, LDH, Radiolady, Celtic, Badwillie, Funchback, Neonmadman, Boozerunner, Lady Lee, Star, Refiners fire, Billygoat, Seven006, Dins, Venice, Lydia, JT, Scully, Abaddon, Nelly, B_ster..
oh forget it theres just too many to mention...
Heck everyone here that I've come in contact with has taught me something and helped me grow. I just wish I wasnt so busy now with normal life to give back to the newbies coming around as much as I want to. This board takes a lot of time to keep up with thats for sure but hopefully I can live my life in a way that gives back what was given to me...time, love, understanding, compassion.
Thanks JWD for giving me my life back!
You know, now that I have looked closer at the other threads I mentioned above I regret starting this again
Now, now, no regrets. *sigh* that's the problem with you and Joy2b, you're both so frickin' caring.
Seriously, I think you took this "who's the most" thinking in the right direction with this topic. No one can fault another for showing appreciation to those who've helped them most.
The ones who have helped us the most aren't posters here. At a time when we desperately needed friends and spiritual support, we got it from two of our former elder friends, and another man, a former Bethel elder.
Our daughter, Rachel (Princess here), and her husband were always there for us to talk to, throughout the whole ordeal. They went through it too, and left sooner than we did, so they were an inspiration to us.
Since discovering the old H2O and Simon's board, I would have to say, that Venice (who showed me Simon's board almost two years ago) and her parents have helped us a great deal, as we helped them right after their sudden expulsion. We all help each other I think, since we share the same background. It's eerie how our lives parallel and we know the same people.
I absolutely love some of you here, and you all know who you are, so I won't make another list. Everyone contributes everyday.
Since I'm new I can't add too many names, but I do want to mention my dear old friend who found me and told me about this site, Pettygrudger. Love you Petty!
Lilacs has also been very sweet and I can see she is just a dear! (Hugs to Lilacs).
I enjoy reading here most every day, for awhile.There is a lot of care & concern
displayed here. However I didn't come here because of a healing process.
Healing from cult addiction was never my bag, thats why I never allowed myself,
to become completely brainwashed, to their man made ideas of how one might
get to heaven or hell for that matter, although I put on a pretty good pretense for
the sake of family & friends for many years.
My heart goes out to the ones that are hurting, I feel great sorrow for you.
My real reason for coming here was to see just what others thought of
this JW entrapment,it is such a shame they are not truthful up front.
But then if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is.
I love you all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!