Believer, do you believe that the two witness rule should apply to child molestation?
JoinedPosts by schnell
Hi forum
by A Believer ini proably shouldnt be on here but i feel like saying this.
i have been for the last couple weeks been studying religion.
i've learned the only ones who today do what the bible says to is jw.
666 or 616? Do we have to choose a number or could it be both?
by fulltimestudent ini'm sure that most longer term readers on this list know that the use of the number in the revelation was a 'code' using the jewish concept that assigned number values to the letters of the hebrew alphabet.. a promoter of modern judaism ( dr. eliyahu lizorkin-eyzeneberg) explains:.
today gematria is well-known as a jewish interpretive method that assigns numerical values of hebrew letters to words, phrases and/or sentences.
then, by adding them together, seeks to determine their deeper meaning.
Oh. So that's why the Marvel comic universe was called Earth-616 for so long. Eh I figured.
Great Tribulation and Trump
by TakeOffTheCrown inplease, let's discuss this subject without attacking one another.. it appears that trump has won a victory that no one expected.
is it possible that trump may play a part in the great tribulation?.
there are some who believe trump is one of the most unqualified of men to ever be elected president of the united states.
That's one premise of yours, yes. What's the other?
That it doesn't conflict with history. Your other premise, is that you do observe history. You live in this world too.
When you only have 8 people on the planet, you don't have much to work with.
So how do you go from 8 people in 2370 BCE to the Great Pyramid of Giza?
And Stonehenge, while I'm at it.
Do you realize how old they are? How big they are? How real they are?
So, Fisherman, I'm not offering you a conclusion. I am asking that you use your wonderful God given ability to reason and do research on Google. I'm asking for your conclusion.
How do you go from 8 people in 2370 BCE to the Great Pyramid of Giza?
Great Tribulation and Trump
by TakeOffTheCrown inplease, let's discuss this subject without attacking one another.. it appears that trump has won a victory that no one expected.
is it possible that trump may play a part in the great tribulation?.
there are some who believe trump is one of the most unqualified of men to ever be elected president of the united states.
The assumptions are both yours. They're your premises, as I said. I mean, my assumption is that you agree with the Bible's and the Watchtower's timeline, as you've said. The burden of proof is on you to reconcile them.
So how do you go from 8 people in 2370 BCE to the Great Pyramid of Giza?
Great Tribulation and Trump
by TakeOffTheCrown inplease, let's discuss this subject without attacking one another.. it appears that trump has won a victory that no one expected.
is it possible that trump may play a part in the great tribulation?.
there are some who believe trump is one of the most unqualified of men to ever be elected president of the united states.
Yes, yes it does. How do you go from 8 people in 2370 BCE to the Great Pyramid of Giza?
You do realize that your premise is that only 8 people survived a worldwide cataclysm in 2370 BCE? You do realize that your premise is that the Bible is not contradicted by history, and therefore the Great Pyramid of Giza should not contradict it. Nor should Stonehenge. Nor anything else.
So, how do you go from 8 people in 2370 BCE to the Great Pyramid of Giza?
Great Tribulation and Trump
by TakeOffTheCrown inplease, let's discuss this subject without attacking one another.. it appears that trump has won a victory that no one expected.
is it possible that trump may play a part in the great tribulation?.
there are some who believe trump is one of the most unqualified of men to ever be elected president of the united states.
Use your brain. How do you go from 8 people in 2370 BCE to the Great Pyramid of Giza?
Great Tribulation and Trump
by TakeOffTheCrown inplease, let's discuss this subject without attacking one another.. it appears that trump has won a victory that no one expected.
is it possible that trump may play a part in the great tribulation?.
there are some who believe trump is one of the most unqualified of men to ever be elected president of the united states.
Unfortunately, you undermined it when you said this:
Van, do some research on google about nowdays "jewish" dna. Says 25- 55 percent and greater gentile ancestry from a few hundred middle eastern men and broad european nationality non jewish females that such men married and no doubt converted prior to marrying,
So, you are capable of doing research on Google and open to research on DNA, presumably other areas of science as well. I gave you a number of things to look up.
Now. How do you go from 8 people in 2370 BCE to the Great Pyramid of Giza? Do you know how old it is? Do you know how much it would take to build it? Are you aware of other goings-on at the time in Iraq, India, China, Germany, England, suggesting populous civilization? You might be interested in doing some research on Google.
Great Tribulation and Trump
by TakeOffTheCrown inplease, let's discuss this subject without attacking one another.. it appears that trump has won a victory that no one expected.
is it possible that trump may play a part in the great tribulation?.
there are some who believe trump is one of the most unqualified of men to ever be elected president of the united states.
So is the Bible -and wt position for that matter.
Great Tribulation and Trump
by TakeOffTheCrown inplease, let's discuss this subject without attacking one another.. it appears that trump has won a victory that no one expected.
is it possible that trump may play a part in the great tribulation?.
there are some who believe trump is one of the most unqualified of men to ever be elected president of the united states.
We are only trying to understand scripture. Same as one plays chess or any other game. Insulting your opponent or mocking his legal moves or how he plays the game does not invalidate his moves, and neither does calling the game stupid or a waste of time makes the game non-existent --the challenge is still there like trying to solve a puzzle and only after putting all of the pieces together can one know if they actually fit, or the pieces don't add up. Killing your opponent in a chess game does not make you a winner of the game either; your opponent's position stands against you forever until defeated governed by the rules of the game. So is the Bible -and wt position for that matter.
In your attempt to understand scripture, you are ignoring everything about scripture except what the WT says. That's why it's a waste of time.
How about prayers being used as a talk?
by NikL inanother thread on here made me think of it.. its a personal peeve of mine.. you bow your head in prayer and the brother says thinks like thank you for the lessons we learned today like bla bla bla and for that wonderful point about yadda yadda yadda.
jehovah we know that etc etc etc therefore we must...well you get the gist.and on and on it goes.
absolutely drives me mad..
Doesn't God know what you need at the moment? Before you ask? Even if you whisper? Even if it's silent? Even if it's in another language? Even if it's in Klingon?
Hey, my Klingon wedding ceremony needs a prayer, too. "tlhogh. tlhogh, maHvaD qem nuq nItebHa' … DaHjaj."
I know we should be thankful for the meeting's spiritual food, but isn't God capable of understanding that we are? Isn't his existence on a completely different time scale from our own? So, why do we need to pour our thoughts out in a monologue and require everyone else in the room to silently submit to it? Doesn't God know what's in their hearts too?
What if they're not thankful? Does God still require lip service and perfunctory silent submission to this big long prayer? Does he want it? Why would he want it?
What happens if you just break for it and start to leave? Does God come after you, or do the others in the congregation shame you? If it's the latter, isn't that all that happens? Then how is it the former? If it isn't the former, and it's only the latter, then what exactly is it that these people call God?
What is this prayer but a group ritual to reinforce ideas and feelings in the congregation? Indeed, what is the entire meeting but a group ritual and an exercise in cohesion?
But if this God is invisible, atemporal, omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent, then why do his people need such a group cohesion ritual to convince themselves of it?
If we do this ritual to work out what God did in the past and what he'll do in the future, why did this omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent God allow such things to go this way in the Garden of Eden?
To quote Epicurus: "Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?"