OP your still going on the idea that there is some divine direction to the universe. If life teaches you nothing you should know by history alone this is bull shit. Trump won because people are sick and tired of being pushed around by the Federal Gov that is taking more and more of our freedom. Although I am an atheist I can see how Christians are concerned in that the left keeps telling them they have to accept homosexuality, gay marriage, and their religion is evil while glad handing Islam. The idea that you can enfranchise minority's and to do so you have to disenfranchise whites, the idea that you can let un-vetted Muslims form terrorist countries into our country and they will assimilate, that they can take away our second amendment rights force us to support partial birth abortion and give country's like Iran billions of cash and take sanctions away and they will love us. Its absolutely no surprise after the left banded those who supported Trump as deplorable's and racist tha tthey hid their opinions from the poll takers. You trying to make some divine sign is more of a sign of your not being a critical thinker. You can say at any point in history that the war in Vietnam was a sign, that WW2 was a sign, and the JW cult did and look where that got them. LMAO no where. If you can not think critical then when you find yourself trying to find some sign remember men in black,,,,, 1,500 years ago, everybody knew that the Earth was the center of the universe. 500 years ago, everybody knew that the Earth was flat. And 15 minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow.