the whole "confront the elders with the inconsistencies" step.
I still get told to talk to the (high school education level) elders. The fact is that I did have a memorable talk with one of them about evolution and belief in God. Unfortunately, he undermined his understanding of evolution by talking about aliens and saying we can't conduct the experiments ourselves. And then he undermined his understanding of basic theology when he agreed that Pascal's Wager is not a good reason to serve God and that it falls right into what Satan said in Job, but then at the end he concluded against all the evidence I brought up that "At some point you have to decide that there is a God."
Baseless. This faith is completely baseless. They talk so much about building on a rock foundation, but the cracks in their understanding run too deep. I give this elder credit for debating the topic with me for over an hour, but he shot his own case.