It's not haunted and an elder won't help at all. Feel free to contact an actual ghost hunter in your area if he seems skeptical enough. He'll probably tell you what the noise is.
JoinedPosts by schnell
I think my house is haunted
by Steel inthings seem to go bump in the night.
any idea if i should talk to the elder or what they would say?.
Did you ever experience true kindness in the Org?
by HereIgo ini remember when i was about 17, i started shunning an older brother because he was disfellowshipped.
when i graduated high school, he pulled me aside and said " i know you are not supposed to talk to me, but i want you to have this" it was a gift that he had custom made for me.
i was so blown away, we never even had a real conversation before.
A lot of care was taken as my father was on his deathbed, so yes. I've had genuine friends as well, as much as they seem to despise me now. Good times, bad times.
The nicest ones never seemed to be the "strongest" though. They'd come in late, they were rarely in service, and they would be the first to help you in a jam. Funny.
Was the ransom premature? Shouldn't the effects of Adamic sin have been reversed at the time of Jesus' death?
by deegee inif the ransom was paid at the time of jesus' death (mark 15:45, matthew 20:28, 1 timothy 2:6, hebrews 2:9), then why weren't the effects of adamic sin (sickness & death) reversed at that time?.
it seems to me that either:- the payment of the ransom was premature.
- god was not satisfied with the payment of the ransom; it was not sufficient to make up for adam's & eve's so-called "sin".hasn't god extracted enough from mankind as payment for adam's & eve's "sin" given the billions of persons who have lived and died?.
I heard a theory that Genesis 3 may have been written by Ezra after the Babylonian exile. The theory goes that the Jews were in their promised land, they sinned, and God punished them by removing them from their promised land, similar to Genesis 3.
This was on a recent Aron-Ra livestream.
Were you aware of the shunning policy when becoming a JW
by UnshackleTheChains infor those who became jws, were you fully aware of the societys cruel shunning policy whilst studying?
i absolutely had no idea such a policy existed until years later.
it really only hit home when reading the horrendous stories on the internet around 2002. .
I agree with DATA-DOG. I was born in, and this was the truth. Why would I ever leave? Why wouldn't I get baptized young? King Josiah was king of a country at 8 years old! What could possibly go wrong? It's the truth right? Even if I sinned, I could still come back because this was the truth!
And then you realize you're stuck. The only benefit to getting baptized is getting disfellowshipped.
Odd choice of words
by Nevuela inwhy is it that when a jw gives someone a magazine, they use the word "place" instead of "give"?
as in "i placed a magazine with him".
and why do regular door-to-door jws of no special rank refer to themselves as publishers?
For a short space of time the WTS used the phrase "Jehovah's Christian Witnesses" but then dropped the "Christian." I was told that an ex-jw group copyrighted "Jehovah's Christian Witnesses" and used it in the name of their organization and fooled many jws that looked in the phone book for the nearest KH or phone contact. That may be the same reason why the WTS put it in the KM that no KH's would have it listed on their signs, Jehovah's Christian Witnesses.
I have heard that as well from an elder who looked up another congregation in the phone book.
I usually said "one of Jehovah's witnesses" because Jehovah is a real person and grammar is important. I now fully understand saying "a Jehovah Witness" because why not? It's easier and the name is cult speak anyway.
Jehovah's witnesses and the Ba'hai Faith should get together and hang out.
JWs target Syrian refugees. 40 already converted.
by usualusername1 in
i could not post video.
this was the best i could do.. paul.
steve2, did you not watch the video? It's clearly not a boast from JWs or WTS.
"If you want to help me, you should not help based on religion."
I hope that burns as deeply as it should. Truly spoken.
To the brother who called in sick after Thanksgiving vacation
by schnell inthanks.. no really, thank you.. you decided to drive down to la with your wife and kids to be with extended family and eat a great big meal on thanksgiving.
that's awesome.
no, really, i hope you had great thanksgiving.. then you drove back up here, and that's a good day's drive so you were pretty tired.
Why didn't you simply tell your boss your tooth hurt and that rescheduling the appointment would cost you?
Logistics. The world can't stop for a broken tooth or a lazy schmuck. Especially when a job needs to start in the early hours and many many customers are depending on it, waiting on the schmuck becomes a huge gamble with few payoffs.
Politics, too. I made a sacrifice with a few perhaps desperate options left available, but I don't think he did himself any favors.
JW's arrogant as f...?!
by Alostpuppydog inhas anybody else noticed that almost all the jdubs are super arrogant?
i mean even from just the basic ones to especially the elders and the overseers omg.
they act like they are so high and mighty that you should just worship them.
If you're genuine in your interest in serving the one true God, the arrogance is often unintended. But when you knock people who go to church in T-shirts and jeans, it should be difficult to call that anything but arrogance. When you mock Mormons just for being Mormons, it should seem hypocritical. When you are convinced that the world belongs to Satan and that everything outside of JWland is "poison", it should defy basic Christianity.
Hell, when you think that humans are so special that the universal sovereignty of God is contingent upon them, that should seem pretty arrogant too.
But life on the inside is all fog and fun house mirrors, I'm afraid.
Has there ever been a time when someone has been outed as a JW mole on this forum?
by Tenacious inhaving been a jw for decades i'm used to watching what i do, say, or watch, in fear of being snitched on.. therefore, i the question begs.. there have been instances, i won't say how, where i've felt some members are being deliberate in their attempt to feign support for the anti-jw rhetoric on this forum.. any input is greatly appreciated..
Just think though, there are probably many JW backstabbers who *think* they have found someone from their congregation based on your fictitious accounts and as a result report them to the elders. LOL
That's some good Christian lovin' right there.
Has the rebranding worked?
by MrTheocratic init's been several years since the start of the rebranding of jehovahs witnesses.
i believe it started with the website change.
ever since then the religion has moved in a more modern direction.
Bring the marionettes and stick apostate literature in their plastic/wooden hands then walk them over to the JWs.
You mean like this?