No really, thank you.
You decided to drive down to LA with your wife and kids to be with extended family and eat a great big meal on Thanksgiving. That's awesome. No, really, I hope you had great Thanksgiving.
Then you drove back up here, and that's a good day's drive so you were pretty tired. Then you called in sick to get an extra day to rest from your vacation.
Unfortunately, the day after your sick day, you were responsible for a certain job that needed to be done, and only a couple of us are trained to do it. You know this. So our boss gave that job to me. Knowing him, he probably allowed you to take another day off too, so you got 2 sick days on top of a 5 day vacation. Knowing you, you took it.
You could have come in anyway. But you didn't. I had to do it. And I had a dentist appointment that day, which I had to postpone until next year. I am now out $1200 on dental insurance, because I can't reschedule it until January and that money will not be added to next year's dental insurance. Dental sucks that way.
So I lost $1200 and my tooth hurts. It's actually broken and I'm at risk for an infection. I might take an ice-skate and pull a Castaway soon if I have to.
When you did see me the next time, you could have apologized. You had probably heard that when our coworkers told me you were absolutely not sick, that you just needed a vacation from your vacation and I had to cover for you, that I got super fucking pissed and in a tirade said "Fuck him!" I am sure that's unsettling for you. But guess what man. You live in this world too. You even celebrate Thanksgiving just like them, however much you deny it. Your decisions, both good and bad, matter, especially when you are part of a team.
So thanks. Thank you for showing our company how much you love the holidays, thanks for being such a good team player, and thanks for really giving it to the bearded maybe-apostate that you work with. Good job.