I have a friend who said he'll have to stop listening to me after I told him about Yahweh's origins in Canaanite religion, because he's firm in his beliefs.
I have a mother who said she goes to the meetings even if it's wrong, and I should too. She is also firm in her beliefs.
I have talked to an elder about evolution, and as I made the case for it and against creationism, he said that at some point I have to decide that there is a creator. He too is firm in his beliefs.
All of these people will also talk about going out in service. What do they do? They tell other people about their beliefs and look for interest (or circumstantial misfortune). However they slice it, they are confronting other people about their beliefs.
I don't understand this at all. When your beliefs are scrutinized and beaten down and on the ropes, you can't defend them anymore but maintain them anyway because you're "firm in your beliefs". And so are those at home when you knock on their doors. Confronting them is thus hypocritical, and that kind of faith is intellectually dishonest and delusional.
This is why I was so passive on my last days in service. I was the one on the nice lady's front porch, and she was the one telling me about the Trinity. I just listened to her. You know. Like a person. She was happy in her beliefs and I was essentially trespassing if I didn't behave. Had I been paired with an elder, it may have turned rather ugly, and yet that elder would not then ever consider that he's worshipping a Canaanite storm god.