1) The incomprehensibly vast size of the universe teaches how insignificant our earth and all its inhabitants are (which means there is no basis for anyone to feel self-important)
I do marvel at the immensity of the universe and at our own importance or lack thereof. However, be sure not to focus so much on humility to the detriment of pride. Pride is important, because it is connected with honor and shame. If you can take away someone's pride, you can also take away their honor, and their shame.
2) The way planets and stars act too teaches us humility! They move around keeping to their orbits just like vehicles follow lane-discipline on a busy express highway (as though submitting themselves to some unseen authority).
Go with the flow. It's called gravity and has nothing to do with humility or submission. You do not submit to gravity anymore than you could choose to defy it.
3) Plants produce fragrant and beautiful flowers and trees produce fruits for others to enjoy (not for themselves). They too are living lessons of humility.
Yes they do produce those flowers for themselves. Flowers, seeds, buds, and symbiosis with bees are means of reproduction.
4) All the stories and histories written show that those who pursued self-importance reaped misery in the end. [shows that all the writers are somehow led by some imperceptible force to come to the same conclusion that ultimately truth wins and ego fails]
No they do not all show this. Assholes don't always lose, and Habbakuk observed as much. Or don't you watch cable news?
You really do seem overly focused on humility. Why so?