I have a personal observation about Africa. For a time, I joined a few other American brothers in adding some Nigerian brothers on Facebook. This wasn't new to me, since I have had a few online friends for years who are Yoruba. Then more than one of them started messaging me and asking for money, because we're Christian. I know it wasn't just me, because another American brother commented about the same thing.
It was bizarre. And I feel like a huge tool, but how am I supposed to diligently check this? I mean, I don't just give money to just anyone. And how do I get the money to them? PayPal? Bitcoin? The mail? Okay, who is actually getting the money? Is there a charity I can donate to instead that will help them?
But the biggest question was: Beyond tragic institutional poverty in humanity's homeland, why are these African JWs asking for money? And the answer is, at best, because we're "Christian", and because these people are looking for help. Because JWs are offering a brotherhood and present spiritual paradise and future earthly paradise, so why wouldn't they ask?
And then when I read here about brothers in Africa asking for state assistance because the Watchtower won't help them in some way, man, Africa is growing now but that is going to blow up right in their face.