Nope, those never went away. Nice name change though.
JoinedPosts by schnell
Marking Talks are back!?!?! - New Name!
by thedepressedsoul inwhen i was younger i used to hear about "marking talks" given in the past.
i believe they stopped in the 80's or 90's.
basically, if someone wasn't baptized or doing something unrepentant, they would get a "marking talk" and be treated the same as a df person.
6 New Kingdom Halls Built In The US This Year
by James Jack inon our local needs part tonight, the elder (on the local ldc), conducting the part, said he just got back from a meeting in memphis tn with members from the us branch rdc conducting the meeting.
they mentioned that only 6 new kingdom halls and 2 major re-models were completed in 2016.
"it may seem like a small accomplishment, considering under the old rbc arrangement there was some 700 projects on the average each year being done", "but, this is going 5-10 years of training to kick this new program into optima production".
At the meeting, The one conducting also said that "Halls that are less than 25 miles from each other only having 1 or 2 assigned, will be closely looked at as to whether they could be reassigned to another hall, and the Kingdom Hall sold off. That way dedicated funds are better utilized."
There are 3 kingdom halls within 25 miles of each other in my area, one of which is a double kingdom hall, each side of which has 1 or 2 congregations. The other 2 halls have 1 or 2 congregations each, and the territory is unresponsive.
So I look forward to hearing about this later.
A jw thought trap
by purrpurr ini've been watching louis therouxs documentary about scientology.
one of the thought traps they createn in people is that they make them belive that all good things come from following the doctrines correctly and all bad things come from not doing so.
and in this way it becomes a thought trap where the person is self regulated mentally by trying ever harder to be more indoctrinated.
I create the light and make the darkness. I send good times and bad times. I, the LORD, am the one who does these things. -- Isaiah 45:7 (New Living Translation)
You know it's the Truth, because it attracts crazy people.
by schnell ini wish i was kidding, but i have heard this idea suggested lately as a defense of the wts.
this is god's organization, even though it attracts crazy people, and because it attracts crazy people.
"unlettered and ordinary," et cetera.. i don't get it.
Cancer free!
How to believe you deserve to relax
by rebel8 ini was brainwashed to believe you generally shouldn't relax much.. demons can enter you if you meditate or even relax your brain too much for one second.
always be on guard.. scriptures criticizing laziness were repeated often. "be kind to yourself" and all that.. you need to strenuously exert yourself for jehoopla and you're worthless if you don't.. most forms of fun were extinguished.
I can thank meditation for helping me through what I was learning as I was fading.
I can thank meditation for helping me to stay calm and see things honestly.
I can thank meditation for helping me to be alert and in the moment, rather than "lazy", aloof, or unaware.
I can thank meditation for helping me overcome internal demons (a psychological metaphor) like fear and doubt, rather than filling my mind with whatever they think wants in there.
Jehovah's witnesses live for a future time. You cannot be mentally here and now if you are so frantically concerned about the future.
The JWs who don't believe JW doctrine
by evilApostate into me it seems that there are a growing number of jws who reject a few to most doctrines of jws and yet still believe that they are in "jehovah's organisation.
" i have come across quite a few who for example, reject the 1914 doctrine entirely and yet remain psuedo-jws.. take a look at this page:
those are jws who reject 1914 and even the gb.
Those are JWs who reject 1914 and even the GB. They claim that Jokehova will cleanse the organisation at the time of the end and only the true servants will survive.
The problem is that that logic can be applied to any church in existence. They might as well go to a Catholic church whilst rejecting some doctrines and keeping their own beliefs. Wouldn't Jokehova also cleanse the Catholic church (or any other church for that matter) at the time of the end and save his true worshippers? What makes JW land still so special?
My brother is like this. It's his get-out-of-jail-free card, so even though he's DFed and the elders treated him like dirt, he persists.
As with any cult, a lot of people like the fellowship, even though it isn't great all the time. Or perhaps they're used to it. They don't want to leave.
But yes. You can apply this to any other church and the logic is satisfied, which is also why householders have every right to say they have their own church. So how is this a selling point?
JWs Harass their old members
by StephaneLaliberte inwhile i am presently under training, i was looking at the definition of harassment in the work place according to the ontario (canada) government and found that, among the listed items, some of these could very well apply to the jws!.
preventing a person from expressing himself or herself: yelling at the person; threatening; constantly interrupting that person; prohibiting the person from speaking to others.. making rude, degrading or offensive remarks.. discrediting the person by spreading malicious gossip or rumours, ridiculing him/her, humiliating him/her, calling into question his/her convictions or his/her private life, shouting abuse at him/her.. isolating the person by no longer talking to him or her, denying or ignoring his or her presence, distancing him or her from others.. destabilizing the person by making fun of his or her beliefs, values, political and/or religious choices, and mocking his or her weak points..
Old members? How about their present members who are harassed into pioneering and judged if they don't?
First time back in a KH in 8 months
by Normalfulla inso... one of my employees is a miserable servant and was giving the pt and invited me to come knowing full well i was faded out, i go along cos i respect him and thought why not, i must admit i was a little nervous headed back there (a neighboring hall not my old one) i saw alot of familiar faces and some old friends who were aware of my fade, all so pleased to see me at a meeting again and i can sum up how i felt about the experience like this.. .
have you ever been to a party and been the only sober person there and are totally aware of the ridiculous things said and going on?
that's what it felt like except the party would have been more fun of course,... all these good people, drunk off their heads on wt propaganda and false hopes, the irony was the talk was titled "does your life have meaning?".
#worstpartyever -
Which was the best century to be born in?
by defender of truth in
is the world getting better?.
in which century would you rather have been born, given the choice?
If I'd been born at any other time, it wouldn't be me.
Compiling a list of Sin
by Nihilistic Journey inwith all the rules that we had to live under to be a good christian it's a wonder that we aren't all neurotic basket cases like i am!
let's compile a list of transgressions and rules that we had to live by.
no rated r movies.
No ideas that might "take you out of the truth". (Apparently "the truth" is fragile and easily debunked by basic evidence and logic, but should be adhered to regardless.)
No historical/critical analysis of the Bible. (It's the inerrant Word of God and that's that.)
No "violent entertainment". (Nebulous, much? Does the Bible count?)
No "vampires". (Oddly specific. When Twilight was big, there were talks and articles specifically about this. I always wondered why the elders forced this on everybody in attendance, as if we're all into it, and didn't just say, "Hey, don't watch shitty god-awful movies.")
No oral sex. (Hey, other stuff got repeated too.)
No instructional videos or texts that might give you an idea as to how to better please your mate. (No porn.)