Fingerprints now, not bar codes or RFID tags?
This is comparable to any Pastafarian lawsuit that's just there to make a point about religion, except this one might be sincere in its plaintiff's insanity.
citing the book of revelation - federal lawsuit says fingerprint check is “mark of the devil,” baring former school bus driver entry into heaven.. .
former bus driver files lawsuit.
Fingerprints now, not bar codes or RFID tags?
This is comparable to any Pastafarian lawsuit that's just there to make a point about religion, except this one might be sincere in its plaintiff's insanity.
jehovah's witnesses cannot do a lot of things.
i remember pioneers having to quit their jobs because they could not work in a convenience store and sell cigarettes.
i know of a young man who was offered a scholarship to any college or university if he wanted to go to because of his football abilities.
Might be years later but is there anything nice you could do for him?
I hope so. We have geographical distance between us now. My sister left the organization before I did, and she and I have recently mended over email. Hope to see them all this year. Bring my nephew a new toy.
jehovah's witnesses cannot do a lot of things.
i remember pioneers having to quit their jobs because they could not work in a convenience store and sell cigarettes.
i know of a young man who was offered a scholarship to any college or university if he wanted to go to because of his football abilities.
I thought the subject was "What did you regrettably do because you were a Jehovah's witness?"
I broke my autistic nephew's magic 8 ball toy, to teach him that magic things are bad. His dad had gotten it for him.
He protested, "It's just a toy! It's just a toy! It's just a toy!" My nephew reasoned far more clearly, never captive to the same religious nonsense as his mom and uncle.
Yeah, I fucking regret that. I am sorry.
for those claiming that- how much thought or research have you done?.
objective or non-objective?.
ever read the other books claiming to be from god?
Earth already existed- before the Creative 'Days'- but was a "waste'.
First- Light to reach the Earth (source not specified)
Second- Plant life
Third- Animal Life
Last- man. Formed from the ground. No 'immortal soul'.
Not, as in religions of that time, a drop of blood from battling Gods becoming the first man.
Not a fish becoming a monkey becoing a man...with female versions evolving at the same rate side by side...
I like how this person says it goes along with science, and then goes against science.
I like how this person says it isn't like the other religions at the time, when it is comparable to the Enuma Elish, which takes place over 7 tablets and has a new generation of gods creating on each tablet. On the 6th tablet, the gods create man so that the gods on 7th tablet can rest. The Hebrew bōhū and tōhū translated "formless and void" are also comparable to the violence of the behemoth Apsu and Tiamat.
But hey, you wanna believe this bullshit's the truth, you'll leap tall buildings in a single bound to get there.
i truly don't understand the mindset of a troll.
i know it's been explained, but i still don't get it.
it is hard to distinguish between a troll and a jw apologist at times because the reactions are very similar.
Are we talking about the psychology of actual Internet trolls, or the specific niche breed of Watchtower apologist trolls on this board?
The former has been studied to some degree, and you can find articles about the topic. Here's one.
The latter would get ripped apart on 4chan.
to all on this site who from their hearts participate, thank you.
you encourage thought, offer support and share laughs, thank you.
you may never know what point has touched a heart or opened a mind.
That's the beauty of open discourse.
meant to hopefully get your mind off the craziness which we sadly refer to as the news these days,.
we'll call this one .
fun for seculars.
good luck with that one, and by the way no there isn't. You are treading on dogmatism with that viewpoint.
I find it hilarious that I would have to prove there is no god to an atheist.
But hey, if your contention is that as long as the goal posts can be moved, then one might correctly say there COULD be a god, that is what I was referring to. That's human imagination. And those goal posts will continue to be moved as our knowledge continues to expand.
I fail to see how it is incumbent upon me to disprove a figment of another's imagination. Prove to me that the Invisible Pink Unicorn doesn't exist and I'll use your method.
i dont know about you, but for some reason if i were to go around worshiping some deity i should have done better and looked outside the bible.
i mean, there's some pretty cool goddesses out there in other religions.
here's my top 3:.
I think it's interesting that Mitochondrial Eve is said to predate Y-Chromosomal Adam, and goddesses predate gods. Patriarchy and misogyny seems to come in later.
Very very old cultures, such as the Navajo, are much more matriarchal.
i dont know about you, but for some reason if i were to go around worshiping some deity i should have done better and looked outside the bible.
i mean, there's some pretty cool goddesses out there in other religions.
here's my top 3:.
Spider woman.
so, you left because of a bad example(s).. why all the whining?
nothing better to do with your time?.
you at least know far more about the bible than any church-goer?.
Check the newbies the-Question will be one of them. He's getting so much attention...... he won't be able not to come back.
Ya know, many of us left the organization without any intent of starting our own cult from the other disillusioned followers, though that is the accusation hurled at us by the GB and some rank and file. I was certainly accused of that by my faithful brother, even after I admitted to him that I'm atheist and have no belief in spiritualism.
The moment he came on here and criticized the GB, I got the impression that that's what he's after. Because if the GB is failing, who do you suppose is to take their place? People like him?
Fuck that.