Thank you, everybody here, for introducing me to this. No, no I had NOT heard of this. Child abuse issues have been roundly dismissed as apostate attacks in the congregations I've attended in the last decade. As a matter of fact, when a certain case in the USA made the press, I was distressed enough to call up a special pioneer about it and ask what he thought. He then assured me that this is the truth anyway, that cases like that aren't the norm and are being handled, etc. etc.
What the hell, Jackson? What the hell?
He rambles... So often. He dodges every question that he can. He cannot let his yes mean yes and his no mean no, he goes far in excess of that.
Responding to Mister Stewart's line of questioning about a fading individual who is at home when some elders come to his door and find him, for example, celebrating Christmas, Jackson can't seem to see through the specific example of Christmas until Mister Stewart explains that it's an example. The point isn't Christmas, the point is that the individual has faded because of the disfellowshipping arrangement.
Every relatively low-ranking elder would (I should hope) know the answers to all of these questions. They would not (I should hope) dodge them by saying it isn't their field. Deference will only get you so far, and none of these questions were particularly esoteric.
My dad would be yelling the answers at the screen if he saw this. *sigh* I should hope.
And the rambling! Oh god, answer the question you politicking bastard.
I guess I'm not surprised when he stops the discussion to "give a witness" and promote the organization, but really? Do you have to? Do you really think somebody there in that room is going to convert?
And he was baptized at 13, eh? He sees nothing wrong with that at all and nothing wrong with kids getting baptized for the rest of their lives under threat of disfellowshipping?
The length and sheer number of these videos is a bit of an obstacle to overcome, but this was outrageous.
It IS your field. You cannot just claim ignorance.
I'm done. I was done before but the more I see here, I am just so unbelievably done....