"I am not the one testing you, he is. But if you fail, I'll punish you for it. No, that most certainly does NOT mean I am testing you."
We share just shy of 99% of our DNA with chimpanzees, and geneticists know and have published PLENTY about the subject. There is no basis for Adam in 4026 BCE.
On my way out, I began to suppose that Adam could have been a name for a single human around that time that decided he was hot stuff, or perhaps that Adam and Eve were a metaphor for early homo sapiens. Indeed, we like to think of our species as special and unique and without any parentage, that our species came out of a sort of virgin birth from the dust. We like to lie to ourselves. But we are the not the only hominid species in history, as evidenced by Lucy and Ardi and all the rest, from all over the world, and from long before 4026 BCE.
Either way, the idea of Adam not being created from the dust, or of Adam and Eve being a metaphor, is an unnecessary reinterpretion of the 2 creation myths in the Tanakh. It also leaves no room for original sin or a messianic ransom sacrifice in the JW's philosophy of history. Neither, I might add, does science.