I think you'll enjoy this a lot.
i think that few parts of the bible can make you atheist or at least agnostic or at least kill your belief in the bible as infallible or the work of a loving god as comparing 2 samuel 24 with 1 chronicles 21. most people focus on the 1st verse, but there are at least 4 major and 1 minor contradiction in the chapter (they are parallel accounts).in the new world translation, 2 samuel 24 starts like this:.
24 and again the anger of jehovah came to be hot against israel, when one incited david against them, saying: “go, take a count of israel and judah.” .
notice that it is an impersonal "one" who incited david to do the census.
I think you'll enjoy this a lot.
i think that few parts of the bible can make you atheist or at least agnostic or at least kill your belief in the bible as infallible or the work of a loving god as comparing 2 samuel 24 with 1 chronicles 21. most people focus on the 1st verse, but there are at least 4 major and 1 minor contradiction in the chapter (they are parallel accounts).in the new world translation, 2 samuel 24 starts like this:.
24 and again the anger of jehovah came to be hot against israel, when one incited david against them, saying: “go, take a count of israel and judah.” .
notice that it is an impersonal "one" who incited david to do the census.
Yeah pretty much. Was Jesus killed at 9 am or noon? The day before passover or afterward?
And how about that King Josiah? What a guy.
ok god designed this planet and then most everything on it intelligently yet 97% of the water on the earth is un drinkable.
Don't think I'm attacking you either, prologos. This is an interesting discussion.
ok god designed this planet and then most everything on it intelligently yet 97% of the water on the earth is un drinkable.
I suppose that juries have convicted men for simply having the right conditions to commit the charged crime, but juries have also demanded more evidence, and even reassessed cases like this.
Who says efficiency is really the driving force? Does it have to be? It's true that nature is extravagant, but isn't it enough to appreciate a garden without also having to believe there fairies at the bottom of it?
Are natural laws the product of an intelligent force, or an effect themselves? If you have two apples, and I give you two more apples, you will then have a number of apples equal to the sum of 2 and 2 which we call 4 but could have been called anything. The names and observations might be laid down by an intelligent person, but the effect being observed, hardly so.
How is man's cruelty proof of God?
"Limited use design seems to be a feature of the past." I don't know what you mean by the last line or how it relates to the discussion, but Lao-Tze was talking about seeing other uses for things a long time ago.
ok god designed this planet and then most everything on it intelligently yet 97% of the water on the earth is un drinkable.
@Brokeback, ehh, the infinite universe thing where there are infinite you's and me's is more philosophy than science. If you rewound the clock on evolution, would it come out the same way? If it doesn't, then how are there infinite you's and me's?
ok god designed this planet and then most everything on it intelligently yet 97% of the water on the earth is un drinkable.
Does it argue for a creator, or does it argue for a cause?
i've been reading a few articles about parodic religions.
the warning about parodic religions is that they might actually get organized and be taken too seriously.
it might actually become an "ism.
I've been reading a few articles about parodic religions. The warning about parodic religions is that they might actually get organized and be taken too seriously. It might actually become an "ism." So the first commandment, then, is don't take this too seriously. As Saint Ferris Bueller said, "Isms are inherently not good."
In the beginning last Thursday, as far as you know, there was a big bang.
In the ensuing chaos, the Invisible Pink Unicorn made an ordered mess out of things, from whence came our flat Earth and everything between its outer Ice Wall.
A great battle waged in heaven as the Invisible Pink Unicorn split in two over the course of the last week, with the Invisible Pink Unicorn on one side, and Devil Unicorn on the other.
This battle popped a hole in the Earth Bubble and caused a big flood. It was on CNN the other day, was pretty bad.
Things went down in their heavenly loft apartment when Devil Unicorn accused the Invisible Pink Unicorn of holding out on him and hurled a small teapot out into space, and it has orbited between Earth and Mars undetected to this day.
Seeing the danger that Devil Unicorn posed, the Invisible Pink Unicorn then came down to Earth as a woman of noble privilege who sold real estate in Illinois, and in this form bore a son, a savior.
But unbeknownst to the Invisible Pink Unicorn, Devil Unicorn saw her plan and also took the form of a man of noble privilege in Illinois, and married her and fathered her children.
Thus were born the Great Saints, Saint Ferris Bueller, and his sister, whats-her-face.
Yada yada yada, here you are.
Here are some commandments now.
1. Don't take this too seriously. Especially yourself, because other people probably don't either.
2. Don't be a dick.
3. With great power comes great opportunity to be a dick. So at least be responsible.
4. Don't covet your neighbor's gods.
5. Don't preach this, lest ye take this seriously and become a huge dick.
666. Don't be afraid of math or symbols or any such thing, lest ye covet your neighbor's gods.
7. If you cannot easily, succinctly, and rationally explain your beliefs, you should get on that before next Thursday.
8. Question the source of all sacred texts, and you will find nothing above scrutiny.
9. ...
10. Profit!!!
Other known saints include Spider-Man, Homer Simpson, Bertrand Russell, and Utnapishtim.
ok god designed this planet and then most everything on it intelligently yet 97% of the water on the earth is un drinkable.
And furthermore, the idea of a creator implies an infinite regress: Who created the creator? Who created that creator? Who created that creator? And so on and so on, like a flat Earth on a stack of turtles.
(I tried to edit this addition into my previous reply, but the forum seems to be wonky about edits at times. Apologies if anyone sees it twice.)
ok god designed this planet and then most everything on it intelligently yet 97% of the water on the earth is un drinkable.
That's circular reasoning, prologos. I have to first accept the premise that there is a creator, and that is highly improbable. If there is a creator, at what point does it step in and create? And furthermore, the idea of a creator implies an infinite regress: Who created the creator? Who created that creator? Who created that creator? And so on and so on, like a flat Earth on a stack of turtles.
some time ago i used to work at a hospital.
when my family members would receive treatment at this place, often times they would ask me if i could look up information for them regarding their health.
i always had to tell them that privacy laws did not allow me to bypass the hospital's administration.
I know of one case in which a young woman "was found to have had" an abortion, and apparently a sister who worked at the hospital is the one who found out. Now this thread has me even more suspicious of what happened there.